Contestant Reports

Click on any tab below to view a list of the top 100 contestants ranked by the indicated statistics.  These ranks are also reported by contestant on the individual contestant pages.

Contestant reports are updated every 15 minutes when a contest is live and so are in flux until the contest ends.


Reports marked with a green asterisk have the following eligibility requirements:

  • Sliding Quarter and Sliding Year: Contestants must enter 60% or more of the contests for that period (or since first starting participation, whichever is smaller) with an average of 1.5 entries in each contest entered.

  • Overall: Contestants must have submitted 50 or more entries.

Contestants who do not meet these minimum eligibility requirements will not be considered in the corresponding period ranking lists.  The goal of these minimums is to encourage fuller participation and make it a little fairer stats-wise for frequent regulars.

Total Wins
Entry Win Rate
Contest Win Rate
Total Top Tens
Entry Top Ten Rate
Contest Top Ten Rate
Total Votes
Average Votes/Entry
Average Votes/Contest
Total NVC
Average NVC/Entry
Average NVC/Contest
Average Place
Average NP
Total Contests
Total Entries
Average Entries/Contest

Contestants ranked by number of entries placing first:

 Sliding QuarterSliding YearOverall
2MorningBreathNew Age Redneck2Lovesandwich7U-Man64
3  EvaDewergorrckMorningBreath5MorningBreathorionid60
4All LatestbeerrunGoodCopBadCopgorrckLovesandwichPope Larry IIrickythepenguinWarthogWrongo1    
5    CiliarySpasm49
6  common sense is an oxymoron4Lovesandwich45
7  beerrunorionid3Queen Mab35
8    beerrun29
9  bikkurikunDriverNew Age Redneck2BecauseISaidSo28
10    common sense is an oxymoron24
11    Ranger Joe22
12  All LatestAmbitwistorbiorhythmistBizzerkedmofirsttigerGoodCopBadCopLinguineLord EzekielPope Larry IIrickythepenguinskybird659spontn80turbocucumberWarthogWrongo1Circusdog320Linguine21
14    soosh18
15    ravnostic16
16    henryhilloddmind14
18    bobugHerb Utsmelzkittyhas1000legsWarthog13
22    Lord EzekielSilverStag11
24    bender16vEarguyEnnuipoetgorrckkestranamillera9wickedfish10
31    Morchellaswampa29
33    schneespinach gunk8
35    Barracudachakalakaspgregscottmarkie_farkiePope Larry IIpredle7
41    FuLinHyuI'm No Big Dealinelegyolavfveruca6
46    aspiditesCaptainJimClockwork KumquatCompoundWarpcorsec67DesertDemonWYDorisLessingCatEvaDewerFlavivirusLdrtchbrdLenny_da_HogMopsySoCalChrisSoupGuruspidermannturbocucumberUSAF Retired5
63    bikkurikunblastohDeveynDrPainMDEnigmamffluffybunnyGalleyWenchidle_handsIncorrigibleKittykmmontandonmonkeybortsherpa18sleeping4
76    All Latestbucky_baconD_PaulAngelEncyclopedia GalacticaharpokashariLogomancerNuclear MonkOtto's_JacketpeachpickerstaplermofothrenodyjTom GVortex DwellerWrongoyeimiYugoboy3
93    36 Views of Mill MountainafghanwhiggleAlligatoratticusBadafucobob_rossbobrobertsBuddha322CAPTIAN SLAPPYceliaeveCtrlAltDeleteDiggindoynerDriverdstanleyEddie Adams from TorranceedmoEdward FlinchevilzardflashboxxflondrixFutherMuckerhackhixHagarTheHorribleInterruptingQuirkjust katKillerclawKirablue42MightyMerkinneonstzNew Age RedneckNo Catchy NicknamepangolynPetit_Merdeuxplamadude30kRagnarDreddfroggredwoodcruzrskybird659spontn80Squid_for_Brainstfarmer001UnobtaniumvartianZero Exponent2