Contest Listing

May 11, 2005 – Mar 5, 2025

1035Mar 5, 2025Boats 3Photograph boats: Barges, ocean liners, tugboats, and other watercraft capable of carrying people. Model boats and/or toys are fair game as well.1935194
1034Feb 26, 2025Line Line Dot DotShow us subjects or compositions that feature lines and/or dots.919167
1033Feb 19, 2025Artistic LicenseTake some artistic license and show us what you’ve got. Any subject, any in-camera or post-processing treatment on a single frame.1833195
1032Feb 12, 2025Architecture IFrom barns to high rises, and everything in between. These should be buildings in which people work or live.1837237
1031Feb 5, 2025The OfficeShow us things in and around the office.101491
1030Jan 29, 2025A Riot of ColorNo monochrome here–this thread is for a polychromatic celebration. Show us photos that are colorful and vibrant and not just composed of/emphasizing a single color.1836275
1029Jan 22, 2025Final Resting PlacesShow us pictures from cemeteries, graveyards, mausoleums, etc.1435188
1028Jan 15, 2025The Dead of WinterWinter isn’t just coming, it’s here–in the northern hemisphere at least. Show us what Winter looks like in your part of the world.1736211
1027Jan 8, 2025What You See Is What You Get 2Photos that are straight out of the camera. Can be a photo of anything, but must be entirely unedited.(Note: All cameras have certain in-camera settings such as white balance, contrast, and in-camera black and white which can be changed on the fly. Use of these settings would be ok, but avoid extreme features such as in-camera HDR.)1637277
1026Jan 1, 2025Celebrate Good Times!It's New Year's Day! Show us how you celebrated or are celebrating the turn of the year.5852
1025Dec 25, 2024Seasons’ Greetings 16Images that would make great Holiday cards. Please note: For this week's theme, you may add text to your images if you wish, though it is not required. All other Farktography rules apply, however.1223158
1024Dec 18, 2024Bokeh 7Bokeh refers to the blurry out of focus elements in an image. Show us images that use bokeh creatively.1020127
1023Dec 11, 2024Night LightsShow us pictures of lights at night. Cityscapes, holiday displays, neon signs, street lights (I want to believe!), what have you.1834248
1022Dec 4, 2024Something Waki This Way Comes. In Memoriam: wakituWakitu was a Fark mod and Farktographer, first participating in Contest #22, Architecture 2, in 2005 and last participating in Contest #898, Windows on the World in 2022. While she wasn’t a weekly participant, she always brought a lovely perspective to the world around her. She enjoyed photographing the outdoors–especially lakes and wildlife–and musical instruments, and she looked forward to seeing the first snowfall this season before she passed. In honor and memory of Wakitu, show us pictures of musical instruments or musicians, outdoor subjects in/of nature, or snowy scenes.1937287
1021Nov 27, 2024Giving Thanks 4It's Thanksgiving in the USA; show us what you're thankful for.91895
1020Nov 20, 2024Everything Old is New AgainShow us things (not people) that are old (50 years or more) that either still look new or have been restored to their former glory.919178
1019Nov 13, 2024Black OR WhiteShow us subjects that are black OR white but not both. Difficulty: No monochrome photos.1224169
1018Nov 6, 2024Night Time is the Right TimeShow us pictures taken obviously at night.1528157
1017Oct 30, 2024Halloween 11It's that time of year again: Give us your best Halloween photos.1024132
1016Oct 23, 2024Orange You GladShow us photos where the color orange dominates.1935206
1015Oct 16, 2024Flat OutShow us subjects that are flat, by any definition of the word.1223109
1014Oct 9, 2024ModifiedShow us subjects that have been visibly/obviously modified in some way from their original design or parts.81257
1013Oct 2, 2024VerdantAs we say goodbye to summer (in the Northern hemisphere, at least), show us pictures of lush green landscapes and vegetation.1538249
1012Sep 25, 2024Pretty PicturesShow us pretty pictures of things or people you find pretty.1630193
1011Sep 18, 2024Software Hootenanny 14Any and all treatments not normally allowed software-wise are allowed/encouraged for this contest: artsy filters, exposure stacking/HDR, tilt-shift fakes, stitching, etc. NOTE: Combining multiple shots or elements thereof in any fashion you desire is fair game, but every pixel in your final image must have started its life as a pixel in a photo that you personally took. All photos used in any way for this contest cannot be used in future contests unless the theme allows for previously used photos.1427115
1010Sep 11, 2024BinaryThe Oxford Dictionary defines binary as "relating to, composed of, or involving two things", such as binary stars, a pair of trees, two shoes, etc. But it can also refer to two opposite things such as on/off, male/female, 1s and 0s. Show us photos of binary things that you have found in your life.817102
1009Sep 4, 2024Animals 3The entire kingdom.2037238
1008Aug 28, 2024Grouped UpShow us pictures of groups-3 or more subjects. Subject choice is wide open as long as there are 3 or more of them.1128172
1007Aug 21, 2024Vacation SlideshowShow us your best vacation photos from the adventures you've taken.1533215
1006Aug 14, 2024Get CloseShow us photos where you get super close to your subject. While macrophotography is allowed, it isn't required. Getting very close to your subject and taking a photo from that perspective is the only requirement.2144324
1005Aug 7, 2024Vertical Orientation 2Photograph any subject as long as it's framed in a vertical/portrait orientation-taller than it is wide.1839272
1004Jul 31, 2024Blur 4Use blur for a purpose. Examples of blur include: motion, long exposure, panning, intentional out-of-focus, shallow depth-of-field, etc.1734251
1003Jul 24, 2024Fruit of the VineShow us pictures of fruit that grows on a vine or products made from vine fruit-juice, jam/jelly, wine, etc.61460
1002Jul 17, 2024In Memoriam: staplermofostaplermofo was a Farktographer who started participating in the very early days of Farktography, with his first contest being #13, “Textures” in August 2005. He had a deep love and knowledge of staplers new and old, and he was known for being quirky, kind, and funny. Hailing from Chicago, he also loved J-pop, old film cameras of all formats, and cats. We only recently learned that he passed in 2022; fittingly his last contest was a memorial theme for another Farktographer. In honor and memory of staplermofo, please post photos of staplers, cats, Chicago, old cameras, or J-pop bands.2337211
1001Jul 10, 2024There Can Be Only OneShow us photos with a single subject. Any subject is fair game, but there can be only one per photo. Note: Multiples of the same kind of subject is not a single subject.2248218
1000Jul 3, 2024The Journey of 1000 Contests Begins with a Single ThemeThis week marks the 1000th contest for Farktography, a pretty significant milestone if we do say so ourselves. In honor and recognition of this milestone, choose from Farktography's past themes (available here: ), and post a photo that would fit one of those themes OR that you actually entered to that theme before. Note: You may post up to 10 entries for this week. Also also wik: You MUST state which theme your entry/entries was from or would have fit into, and each entry must be from a different theme (repeats/sequels of themes don't count as different themes).19124535
999Jun 26, 2024To the 9sWith this week being Farktography's 999th theme, post up to 9 of your favorite pictures you've taken. Photo editing rules are relaxed, and repeats from prior themes are allowed, though not required.1286436
998Jun 19, 2024People 2Individuals or groups, portraits or candids – show us photos of people.1428103
997Jun 12, 2024Rust BucketsShow us the beauty in things that are rusty.1123156
996Jun 5, 2024Bugged Out 3Show us bugs of all kinds: Insects, arachnids, or arthropods on land or sea.2142281
995May 29, 2024Wiiiiiiiide AngleShow us wide angle photos, the wider the better. Stitched panoramas are fair game, too.1836290
994May 22, 2024Solar StormSince an historically massive solar storm bathed the earth with ionized particles this month, there have been a proliferation of amazing photography capturing the after effects. Show us photos of aurorae, sunspots, and solar prominences (oh my!).922214
993May 15, 2024Coffee Shops and Tea RoomsShow us coffee shops or tea rooms and/or the beverages, people, and things found inside them. Home versions of coffee or tea brewing equipment and drinks are also fair game.71355
992May 8, 2024Happy Farktography Anniversary 19It’s Farktography’s 19th anniversary! Post your highest vote getters or favorite photos since May 2023. Prior contest entries allowed but not required; prior entries, HDR, stacked, stitched & text-added photos eligible only if used in a contest since 5/10/23.1234213
991May 1, 2024A Study in ContrastsShow us images with a clear contrast between two things in the same photo: light vs dark; tall vs short; smooth vs rough; simple vs complex; etc.81156
990Apr 24, 2024Urban JungleShow us pictures of urban landscapes-buildings, traffic, sketchy alleys, etc.1431226
989Apr 17, 2024SportsballShow us people playing sports or sports related photography. Difficulty: No parlour sports (poker, darts, billiards, etc)1529163
988Apr 10, 2024Out of This WorldWith the total solar eclipse in North America this week, this is the perfect time to share photos of subjects not located on Earth. Any astronomical objects are fair game, and exposure stacking is allowed this week.1222150
987Apr 3, 2024Spring Has Sprung 3Pictures that show winter ending. How does warmer weather look where you are?1224160
986Mar 27, 2024Pattern RecognitionShow us images where repeating patterns are the primary focus of the composition.1637273
985Mar 20, 2024StatuesqueShow us sculptures and statues of all kinds.1434136
984Mar 13, 2024Anything Goes 3No theme requirements, no processing limitations, no restrictions on multiple exposures. Just show us your best work that you haven’t entered before.2144272
983Mar 6, 2024Big and TallShow us subjects that are big and/or tall.1530212
982Feb 28, 2024States of MatterShow us subjects in a variety of states of matter–solid, liquid, gaseous, or plasma. Difficulty: each of your (max 3) entries must show a different state of matter.1122126
981Feb 21, 2024Sunrise…Sunset…2Show us photos of sunrises and sunsets.1936205
980Feb 14, 2024Sweets for the SweetestIt's Valentine's Day, so show us pictures of candy and other confections.4639
979Feb 7, 2024Black and BlueShow us photos that feature black and/or blue subjects. Note: Bruises need not apply.1327215
978Jan 31, 2024Prized PosessionsShows us the things (not people) that you cherish most in this world.81279
977Jan 24, 2024The Future's So BrightGo out and capture bright subjects-the sun, the moon, lights, neon signs, what have you-the brighter the better.1324155
976Jan 17, 2024Drink UpShow us pictures of your favorite beverages.121875
975Jan 10, 2024Abstract ArtFrom the Tate Art Museum: "Abstract art...does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but...uses shapes, colours, and achieve its effect." For abstract photography, that may mean isolating small portions of a subject to draw attention to certain elements out of context from the subject itself. Specific photographic equipment or techniques may help create images that play with color, texture, focus, shadow, or shape in a way that transforms a subject into something surreal. For this week, show us your best abstract photography.111564
974Jan 3, 2024Moody Monochrome 2Show us photos with a moody theme in black and white/grayscale/sepia tone.1325162
973Dec 27, 2023Hygge 2"Hygge" is a Danish word that describes a feeling of coziness, comfort, and contentment. Show us the places, things, or activities that bring you a sense of hygge.111898
972Dec 20, 2023Seasons' Greetings 15Images that would make great Holiday cards. Please note: For this week's theme, you may add text to your images if you wish, though it is not required. All other Farktography rules apply, however.71249
971Dec 13, 2023FrameableShow us your frame-worthy photos. Usual Farktography rules still apply.1632266
970Dec 6, 2023SlantedTake photos with a slanted composition where the camera intentionally isn't level. Slanting in post-processing is acceptable as well.1015103
969Nov 29, 2023Just Desserts 3Show us your pictures of tasty desserts!916105
968Nov 22, 2023Thankful Thursday 2What are you thankful for this year? Show us!1121102
967Nov 15, 2023Farkitecture 4Buildings, bridges and other human-made structures.1834175
966Nov 8, 2023Earth TonesShow us photos that are dominated by earth tones-browns, rusty reds, beiges, sage greens. Muted colors yes, bright colors no.1839365
965Nov 1, 2023Spooky Season 2It's spooky season. Show us photos that evoke this time: Halloween decorations, creepy costumes, boneyards, actual ghosts, etc.121793
964Oct 25, 2023Analog as ArtShow us pre-digital gadgets and/or their media: typewriters, cameras, film, sewing machines, record players, vinyl LPs, etc. Note: nothing newer than 1980 need apply.1119121
963Oct 18, 2023On the HorizonShow us photos that feature the horizon as part of your composition.1942332
962Oct 11, 2023Urban Art 3Graffiti, murals, carvings, randomly welded sculptures, etc.1741220
961Oct 4, 2023It's a Beautiful DayWhat does a beautiful day look like to you? Show us.1939298
960Sep 27, 2023Farktography ABC'sPick a letter–any letter–and show us a subject that begins with that letter. Difficulty: Each of your entries must use a different letter, so be sure to label which letter you’re using for each entry.2038303
959Sep 20, 2023Software Hootenanny 13Any and all treatments not normally allowed software-wise are allowed/encouraged for this contest: artsy filters, exposure stacking/HDR, tilt-shift fakes, stitching, etc. NOTE: Combining multiple shots or elements thereof in any fashion you desire is fair game, but every pixel in your final image must have started its life as a pixel in a photo that you personally took. All photos used in any way for this contest cannot be used in future contests unless the theme allows for previously used photos.1217125
958Sep 13, 2023Parrothead MemorialPost photos related to Jimmy Buffett or lyrics to any of his songs: cheeseburgers, pirates, margaritas, Paris, volcanoes, what have you.71361
957Sep 6, 2023Time Keeps on Slippin'Show us the effects of time on places or things (not people).122598
956Aug 30, 2023Point, Shoot, Post 2Show us your unedited, straight out of the camera masterpieces. As always, any physical modifications at the time of shooting are allowed (physical lens filters, bokeh masks, etc) as long as there is no post-processing beyond resizing for Fark. Difficulty for film shooters: No cross processing2553295
955Aug 23, 2023Weather 4Photograph terrestrial based weather phenomena: sunshine, clouds, rain, snow, fog, wind, lightning, tornadoes, hurricanes, sleet, hail, ice, mudslides, flooding and rainbows. Difficulty: Each entry must have a different kind of weather.2143227
954Aug 16, 2023Crayola's Classic 8Show us photos dominated by a color from the classic box of 8 crayons: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, brown. Use only one dominate color per photo.1331191
953Aug 9, 2023GeometricShow us subjects that are clear geometric shapes: triangles, squares, circles, octagons, cubes, pyramids, etc.2137173
952Aug 2, 2023Sense of HumorShow us funny photos.1119135
951Jul 26, 2023Animal, Vegetable, or MineralJust like the old game-Show us photos of animals, vegetables, or minerals.1731187
950Jul 19, 2023Classical Elements 2Photograph the classical elements: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. Difficulty: Each entry should primarily represent a single element and each must be a different element. Note: You may post up to 4 vote enabled photos for this contest, but you are not required to do so.1236184
949Jul 12, 2023Me, Myselfie, and I, Take 2Pictures of you/parts of you that you took yourself. Usual Fark SFW/NSFW rules apply.142098
948Jul 5, 2023Hot Fun in the SummertimeShow us photos that capture the summer season.1120113
947Jun 28, 2023Farkitol 200mgShow us how you like to relieve stress. Difficulty: Must be SFW2338249
946Jun 21, 2023Phoning it In 2No camera snobbery here - show us your cell phone photos. Filters are totally on-point and acceptable for this theme.2450223
945Jun 14, 2023Bokeh 6Bokeh refers to the blurry out of focus elements in an image. Show us images that use bokeh creatively.1935210
944Jun 7, 2023At the ParkGet yourself to a park-national/state/county/city parks, ball parks, amusement parks, botanical parks, water parks, art parks, dog parks, etc-and show us what you find there. Difficulty: No parking lots/car parks.1947244
943May 31, 2023Culinary ArtShow us mouthwatering pictures of food.1727123
942May 24, 2023Shadows 2Shows us the interplay of light and dark.1534197
941May 17, 2023Hobby Time!Show us photos depicting hobbies. Difficulty: Photography is NOT the hobby that you are looking for (you must find another hobby other than photography...seriously people, you DO have other hobbies, right?)1735183
940May 10, 2023Happy Farktography Anniversary 18Farktography is all grown up–It’s Farktography’s 18th anniversary! Post your highest vote getters or favorite photos since May 2022. Prior contest entries allowed but not required; prior entries, HDR, stacked, stitched & text-added photos eligible only if used in a contest since 5/11/22.1329228
939May 3, 2023PosedShow us posed portraits of people. Difficulty: No selfies1124118
938Apr 26, 2023RepetitiveShow us photos that feature multiples of the same subject.1737191
937Apr 19, 2023Mellow YellowShow us photos with a dominant yellow theme. Note: No bodily waste.1838245
936Apr 12, 2023In the Dark of the NightShow us photos taken at night. Light painting and motion streaks would be right at home here, and astrophography exposure stacking is allowed.2046282
935Apr 5, 2023Bent and BrokenShow us things (not people) that are bent and/or broken but still somehow beautiful in their own way.1323138
934Mar 29, 2023Free For All 3This theme is wide open; post anything you'd like. Normal Farktography rules apply (no HDR, no stitched frames, no crazy filters or Photoshopping, etc) but beyond that, it's up to you.2352326
933Mar 22, 2023I'm Beginning to See a Pattern Here 3Patterns or motifs, geometric or natural; show us pictures that rely heavily upon repeating elements as a main focal point.1528166
932Mar 15, 2023Spring ForwardSpring is here and the days are longer. Show us photos that capture “Spring”.1220155
931Mar 8, 2023CloseupsShow us macros or close ups of small things.2545267
930Mar 1, 2023Power 2This theme emphasizes power: Cars, electricity, your boss, or whatever conveys the idea of POWER.1527116
929Feb 22, 2023Get to the PointShow us pictures of pointy things.1637140
928Feb 15, 2023Motion PicturesGive us pictures that show motion.2653327
927Feb 8, 2023Trinkets and TchotchkesShow us small objects that are decorative or ornamental in nature rather than serving a practical function.1121119
926Feb 1, 2023Simply Beautiful 3Nothing complex here. Capture the beauty in something plain. Difficulty: People and/or animals cannot be your main subject(s).2247267
925Jan 25, 2023Rhapsody in BlueShow us photos with a dominant blue color theme without using the sky as your primary source of blue.2147320
924Jan 18, 2023Houses of the HolyShow us buildings and structures that are religious/spiritual in nature. The buildings must be purpose-built for a defined spiritual/religious use, which doesn't include sports, science, arts, education, or other non-religious/non-spiritual use as the primary purpose. Stonehenge-yes, a grove of trees-no. Synagogues-absolutely, stadiums and libraries-definitely not.1632229
923Jan 11, 2023Be There and Be SquareShow us compositions of any subject in a square crop format.1326123
922Jan 4, 2023If You're So InclinedShow us pictures of inclines: hills, ramps, stairs, slopes, mountains-anything that slants upwards from the horizontal/flat plane but isn't straight up.91893
921Dec 28, 2022Around the House 2Show us objects we'd find around your house.101678
920Dec 21, 2022Seasons' Greetings 15Images that would make great Holiday cards. Please note: For this week’s theme, you may add text to your images if you wish, though it is not required. All other Farktography rules apply, however.1426121
919Dec 14, 2022String TheoryShow us photos that feature strings, yarn, wires, thread, or the like.1429121
918Dec 7, 2022Hot as HShow us things that start with the letter H: Helmets, Hedgehogs, Harpsichords, Heliotropes - whatever you want, as long as it starts with an H.1327155
917Nov 30, 2022Horizontal OrientationPhotograph any subject as long as it's framed in a horizontal/landscape orientation-wider than it is tall.2347310
916Nov 23, 2022ThanksgivingIt's that time of year when we give thanks for the people, things, etc we are fortunate enough to have in our lives. Show us what you're thankful for this year.91689
915Nov 16, 2022AbstractionShow us photos with an abstract style/theme/composition.1626152
914Nov 9, 2022Open Mic 2No particular theme for this, just post your best photo(s) you haven't entered before. Difficulty: All normal Farktography rules apply regarding post-processing, including no stacked exposures or HDR, etc.2949306
913Nov 2, 2022Moody MonochromeShow us photos with a moody theme in black and white/grayscale/sepia tone.1733298
912Oct 26, 2022In the PinkShow us photos with a dominant pink theme.1632212
911Oct 19, 2022AutumnalShow us autumnal scenes that capture the season.2146265
910Oct 12, 2022YouthfulShow us people, places, or things that are obviously new or young.1021114
909Oct 5, 2022GeriatricShow us people, places, or things that are obviously old.1834232
908Sep 28, 2022Software Hootenanny 12Any and all treatments not normally allowed software-wise are allowed/encouraged for this contest: artsy filters, exposure stacking/HDR, tilt-shift fakes, stitching, etc. NOTE: Combining multiple shots or elements thereof in any fashion you desire is fair game, but every pixel in your final image must have started its life as a pixel in a photo that you personally took. All photos used in any way for this contest cannot be used in future contests unless the theme allows for previously used photos.81798
907Sep 21, 2022U2Show us things that start with the letter U: Umbrellas, Ukuleles, Udon, UFOs - whatever you want, as long as it starts with a U.1631156
906Sep 14, 2022Vertical OrientationPhotograph any subject as long as it's framed in a vertical/portrait orientation-taller than it is wide.2755265
905Sep 7, 2022Above or BelowShow us photos taken from a perspective that is either obviously above or obviously below the subject.1935155
904Aug 31, 2022Au NaturelNothing human-made or human-cultivated here. Show us photos of places or things that are completely natural.2450280
903Aug 24, 2022Ooh Shiny!Show us shiny objects that catch your eye.1119123
902Aug 17, 2022Dots, Dashes, DiagonalsShow us photos that feature dots, dashes, and/or diagonals.1020119
901Aug 10, 2022Solo SubjectsShow us any subject you want as long as the composition is clearly of a single subject.1635238
900Aug 3, 2022900-A Farktography MilestoneThis is Farktography's 900th contest, so in honor of this huge milestone, post up to 3 of your favorite pictures of all times. Repeats from previous contests are welcome but not required.1851295
899Jul 27, 2022Festivals and FestivitiesShow us pictures from festive events.1322105
898Jul 20, 2022Windows on the WorldShow us pictures of windows–physical windows, not software/OS related. Doors need not apply.2543190
897Jul 13, 2022Still Life 3A collection of modern day items (nothing living) assembled to resemble the standard still life of classical art.101860
896Jul 6, 2022Amphibians and ReptilesExactly what the title says-show us pictures of amphibians or reptiles.2243169
895Jun 29, 2022Summertime and the Livin’ is EasySummer is here! Show us pictures that evoke summertime for you.1629146
894Jun 22, 2022Sacred SpacesShow us pictures of places that are sacred within spiritual belief systems. Subjects can be secular (e.g. public memorials) but must serve a nominally spiritual purpose (no sports stadiums or similar stretching of the idea of “spiritual” or “sacred”).2038217
893Jun 15, 2022FlutterbysShow us pictures of butterflies and/or moths.1432175
892Jun 8, 2022Are We There Yet?Show us your vacation pictures. Slide projector not required.1941204
891Jun 1, 2022PairsShow us things that are in pairs.1634288
890May 25, 2022The I's Have ItShow us things that start with the letter I: Iguanas, Icons, Infernos, Icebergs - whatever you want, as long as it starts with an I.1729214
889May 18, 2022The Birds and the BeesShow us pictures of (literal, not figurative) birds and/or bees.1845378
888May 11, 2022Happy Farktography Anniversary 17It’s Farktography’s 17th anniversary! Post your highest vote getters or favorite photos since May 2021. Prior contest entries allowed but not required; prior entries, HDR, stacked, stitched & text-added photos eligible only if used in a contest since 5/12/21.2146278
887May 4, 2022Street CredShow us pictures of streets, highways, roads, or alleys intended for motorized traffic. Difficulty: Any people should be incidental rather than the subject of the photo.2251208
886Apr 27, 2022In BloomSpring is here (for the Northern hemisphere, at least). Show us things that are blooming.2647314
885Apr 20, 2022Whatcha Smokin'?Show us pictures of smoke, fire, or things that are smoking or on fire.1018118
884Apr 13, 2022Textures 2Pictures that exhibit things that are rough, smooth, furry, rippled, ridged, grainy, bumpy, prickly, etc.1737289
883Apr 6, 2022Scavenger Hunt 3Take a picture of any of the things on this list: 1) Something unarguably ordinary; 2) Something vibrant; 3) Something with layers. Difficulty: You may only submit one photo from each category.920181
882Mar 30, 2022Food PornShow us photos of food that will make us all hungry.1528192
881Mar 23, 2022All the World's a StageShow us stage performances–music, theater, dance, anything that takes place on a stage.111964
880Mar 16, 2022A-Round the BendShow us things that are round or have bends.2039265
879Mar 9, 2022WildlifeShow us pictures of wild-not domesticated-animals.2870573
878Mar 2, 2022Opposites AttractShow us photos depicting opposites-Red/blue, hot/cold, dogs/cats, what have you.111582
877Feb 23, 2022Happy AccidentsWe’ve all done it: wrong settings, accidental shutter snaps, light leaks, lens flare. Post some happy accidents that you didn’t mean to shoot, but still enjoy.1422185
876Feb 16, 2022Rocks 2Big ones, little ones, mountains, cliffs, pebbles, minerals. Difficulty: Not used in any kind of construction or (human) sculpture.1941388
875Feb 9, 2022Straight Out of Camera 3Any subject but no post-processing allowed, not even cropping. (Resizing a file to fit Fark's data requirements is fine.)2858348
874Feb 2, 2022Take 2Take 2 different photos of the same scene or object (e.g. the same scene at 2 different times, the same object from 2 different perspectives, etc.). Both photos of the same subject must be posted in the same post so they can be voted on as an entry together.1524216
873Jan 26, 2022You Better Have a Good Explanation for ThisInclude a couple sentences explaining what different technique you used to either capture or edit the image. Editing options of mimicking film grain, tilt-shift, and HDR are allowed. Sky replacement compositing is OK, otherwise adding elements is not allowed. Your goal is to do something different that makes your original capture more visually interesting and "show your work" by telling us what you did.1223253
872Jan 19, 2022Curious FindingsYou know when you are out for a walk, and you see something odd or unique that you don't think that would normally see? Show us the curious things you've found when out and about.2452487
871Jan 12, 2022Majestic Monochrome-In Memoriam: CiliarySpasmCiliarySpasm passed away on Christmas morning. He was part of the Farktography community for 10 years, participating in 300 contests with 870 entries. He first joined us for the Dungeons and Dragons theme in 2011 (, and his final entries were posted for the Seasons' Greetings 14 theme for the 2021 holidays ( His photos frequently placed in the top 5, and many of our themes for the past couple years were thanks to his helpful suggestions. In honor and memory of CiliarySpasm and in keeping with his wishes for a memorial theme of Majestic Monochrome, please present us your best ever monochromatic images. Images previously entered in other themes may be recycled for this best-of theme.3682682
870Jan 5, 2022Let's Get TechnicalShow us technical items that are interesting to the average person, such as a control panel, parts inside a machine, complex wiring, etc. Difficulty: try to make it unrecognizable to the average person, but a person “in the know” would understand immediately.1828176
869Dec 29, 2021Itsy Bitsy Teeny WeenyMacro photography! Take those super extreme close-ups and show them here!1430258
868Dec 22, 2021Seasons' Greetings 14Images that would make great Holiday cards. Please note: For this week's theme, you may add text to your images if you wish, though it is not required. All other Farktography rules apply, however.1425178
867Dec 15, 2021Down to EarthGet on down! Show us photos from the ground level. Camera must be sitting on the ground (or as close as physically possible) for each photo.1942270
866Dec 8, 2021A Thing of Beauty is a Joy ForeverShow us pictures of things you find beautiful. Note: Things are inanimate objects; people and animals need not apply.2860440
865Dec 1, 2021Fair GameShow us pictures of games and things associated with them: card games, board games, sportball games, video games, wild animals that are hunted, anything that falls under the definition of “game”.2040278
864Nov 24, 2021Thankful ThursdayWhat are you thankful for this year? Show us!1225151
863Nov 17, 2021FadedShow us pictures of things that are faded and/or past their prime. Difficulty: No people2249266
862Nov 10, 2021Shorely You Must Be Joking“I’m not, and stop calling me Shorely”. Show us pictures of shore lines or activities associated with them – the beach’s edge, crashing waves on the shoreline, sand castles, shoreline sunsets, etc. Double down with any picture of Pauly Shore at a shore.2766452
861Nov 3, 2021Software Hootenanny 11Any and all treatments not normally allowed software-wise are allowed/encouraged for this contest: artsy filters, exposure stacking/HDR, tilt-shift fakes, stitching, etc. NOTE: Combining multiple shots or elements thereof in any fashion you desire is fair game, but every pixel in your final image must have started its life as a pixel in a photo that you personally took. All photos used in any way for this contest cannot be used in future contests unless the theme allows for previously used photos.1428214
860Oct 27, 2021Spooky SeasonIt's spooky season. Show us photos that evoke this time: Halloween decorations, creepy costumes, boneyards, actual ghosts, etc.1734213
859Oct 20, 2021Off the GridShow us pictures of places devoid of the appearance of human habitation, past or present. Roads, trails, power lines, human-built structures and the like need not apply.2145336
858Oct 13, 2021Louder than LifeShow us pictures of things that are loud and proud.1831246
857Oct 6, 2021Point, Shoot, PostShow us your unedited, straight out of the camera masterpieces. As always, any physical modifications at the time of shooting are allowed (physical lens filters, bokeh masks, etc) as long as there is no post-processing beyond resizing for Fark. Difficulty for film shooters: No cross processing2450326
856Sep 29, 2021Bugged Out 2Show us bugs of all kinds: Insects, arachnids, or arthropods on land or sea.2655313
855Sep 22, 2021FallSummer is gone and fall is here. Show us pictures of fall(s): the season, waterfalls, face plants, things that are actively falling, etc1437154
854Sep 15, 2021Flair for FlareShow us flare: lens flares, signal flares, solar flares, horn flares, pants flares, etc.2046264
853Sep 8, 2021Off CenterShow us photos where the subject isn't centered in the composition but rather off center.2958412
852Sep 1, 2021Warm It UpTake a photo with dominant warm hues (reds, yellows, oranges, etc.)1949237
851Aug 25, 2021Back to SchoolIt’s that time of year when students head back to school. Show us photos of schools and/or anything associated with them.81782
850Aug 18, 2021Tourist TrapsShow us the most touristy places you’ve been in your travels.2657252
849Aug 11, 2021Artsy-Fartsy 3Impressionism, abstraction, bokeh, etc… Take an artsy-fartsy picture. Difficulty: No filters2345207
848Aug 4, 2021A, E, I, O, UShow us things that start with vowels: Aardvarks, Euphoniums, Igloos, Origami, Unicorns – whatever you want, as long as it starts with an A, E, I, O, or U. Difficulty: Y need not apply.1948257
847Jul 28, 2021Go With the Flow 3Show us flow – liquid, traffic, airflow, any kind of ‘fluid motion’ from one place to another.1734158
846Jul 21, 2021Mementos and MemorabiliaShow us the keepsakes you have from the places you’ve been, the events you’ve attended, or the fandom you’re part of.132568
845Jul 14, 2021A Bridge Too FarShow us bridges of all kinds.1942238
844Jul 7, 2021Bang! 2Show us your pictures of noisy things. Difficulty: Keep it safe for work.2141208
843Jun 30, 2021BotanyBotany is the study of plant life. Show us plants, in all their many forms. Fungi are also fair game.3480423
842Jun 23, 2021Summer FunShow us what fun things you’re doing or places you’re going this summer.1227148
841Jun 16, 2021ShimmerShow us things that sparkle, glitter, and/or shimmer.2350250
840Jun 9, 2021Same Stuff, Different Day 2Photograph things you use every day. Difficulty: No cameras or camera gear.1531136
839Jun 2, 2021TracksShow us tracks: train tracks, animal tracks, 8-tracks, sports tracks, etc.1533241
838May 26, 2021Roses are Red, Violets are BlueRoses are red, Violets are blue, Show us red or blue in your pics, Or a combo of the two2660337
837May 19, 2021Look up. Look WAAAAYYYY upShow us photos looking up at really tall things such as buildings, towers, tall trees, or even giants!2047327
836May 12, 2021Happy Farktography Anniversary 16It's Farktography's 16th anniversary! Post your highest vote getters or favorite photos since May 2020. Prior contest entries allowed but not required; prior entries, HDR, stacked, stitched & text-added photos eligible only if used in a contest since 5/13/20.1842183
835May 5, 2021Negative SpaceNegative space refers to the area around the main subject/objects (or positive space) in an image. Negative space can be used creatively as a compositional element. Show us photos that use negative space intentionally.2653297
834Apr 28, 2021In Memoriam: CuriousCurious was part of Farktography almost from the beginning, starting with contest #15, "Night Time Photography". He helped guide the contest set up and rules into what they are today. In addition to Farktography, Curious was also part of the Fark Photoshop contest community. He lived in Louisiana and many of his photos featured places and things there near his home. Curious died in a house fire on April 8 and will be deeply missed. In his honor, show us photos that evoke Louisiana: New Orleans, alligators, bayous, crawfish, Cajuns and/or Cajun/Creole food, beaches, etc.1121110
833Apr 21, 2021Psychedelics 2Photos that are trippy, hypnotizing and zany! Post-processing affects that warp or alter an image's overall content or color are allowed for this contest only. (Oversaturate good; HDR/multiple combined photos/exposures bad; kaleidoscope effect good; adding or removing Elvis bad.)2137162
832Apr 14, 2021Hygge"Hygge" is a Danish word that describes a feeling of coziness, comfort, and contentment. Show us the places, things, or activities that bring you a sense of hygge.2143301
831Apr 7, 2021Challenge Accepted 2Photograph something that is not normally photographed, and make it interesting.1837151
830Mar 31, 2021W, X, Y, & ZShow us things that start with the letters W, X, Y, or Z: Wombats, Xeriscaping, Yachts, Zinnias - whatever you want, as long as it starts with a W, X, Y, or Z.1838207
829Mar 24, 2021Spring Has Sprung AgainPictures that show winter ending. How does warmer weather look where you are?1944227
828Mar 17, 2021Toy StoryShow us pictures of toys. Difficulty: Must be items intended for children's amusement as opposed to things like sex toys, cars, or other items aimed at adults.1632153
827Mar 10, 2021Everyday ObjectsShow us pictures of common things (NOT people or animals) most of us are surrounded by and/or use on the regular.2348241
826Mar 3, 2021Your Happy PlaceShow us the places that make you happy when you're there. Note: Must be SFW.3367511
825Feb 24, 2021Black and White 5Any subject as long as it is presented in black and white. Color originals converted to b&w are also acceptable.3066416
824Feb 17, 2021Hoofin' ItShow us pictures of hoofed animals. Toes need not apply.1735265
823Feb 10, 2021The BendsShow us things that are bent or twisted. Note: Any people must be in the physical act of bending or twisting, not merely twisted in personality.2654503
822Feb 3, 20211, 2, 3Show us photos of any subject(s) as long as it's either 1, 2, or 3 subjects. Difficulty: you may only enter one photo per number.2147250
821Jan 27, 2021Backyard CrittersShow us gophers, squirrels, chipmunks, robins, and such-small animals that are common in an urban or suburban backyard.3469648
820Jan 20, 2021Teeny TinyShow us tiny things, smaller than 2 inches (5cm) in length, width, and height.2346320
819Jan 13, 2021TransformationsShow us photos of things in transition.1533186
818Jan 6, 2021Color Popping Naturally 2Take a photo that appears to be black and white/grayscale with the exception of one object or color. Difficulty: No selective desaturation or other post-processing tricks to create the effect.1727130
817Dec 30, 2020Hope 2As the shiatshow of 2020 draws to a close and 2021 begins, show us pictures of hope. Interpretation is up to you.1119115
816Dec 23, 2020Seasons' Greetings 13Images that would make great Holiday cards. Please note: For this week's theme, you may add text to your images if you wish, though it is not required. All other Farktography rules apply, however.1421113
815Dec 16, 2020Santa Claus is Coming to TownThe jolly presence of the man in the red suit can only help balance out some of 2020. Show us pictures of Santa - anyone or anything in the classic red suit. Elven costumes are not allowed (yes elf-on-the-shelf I'm talking about you).1119102
814Dec 9, 2020Back AlleyNarrow passageways between buildings, a wooden pathway for a bowling ball, or the building in which bowlers play their sport: show us pictures of alleys.1629148
813Dec 2, 2020Waiter, There's a Fly in Mypicture - or dragon fly, or damsel fly, or gnat, or bee, or mosquito - or any flying critter smaller than a Bee Hummingbird (the smallest bird, so no birds allowed). Difficulty: An image of any member of the Endopterygota superorder of insects OTHER than butterflies and moths.1943300
812Nov 25, 2020Giving Thanks 3It's Thanksgiving in the USA of what's been a very difficult year; show us what you're thankful for.1832171
811Nov 18, 2020It's sElection Time!The US elections are over. Show us images with selective color - convert a photo to black and white while leaving the main subject or a portion of the image in full color.1838204
810Nov 11, 2020AdventuresWhat fun and exciting things have you done? Show us pictures of the adventures you've taken.2042239
809Nov 4, 2020Blast from the PastShow us things that are 25 or more years old. Note: No people2760385
808Oct 28, 2020Autumn 6Foliage, giant pumpkins, bonfires, etc., take a photo that shows us what Autumn means to you.2958438
807Oct 21, 2020From AboveShow us photos taken from above your subject.3775274
806Oct 14, 2020I See Your Point 3Pointy things. Let me show you them. Difficulty: SFW.2964456
805Oct 7, 2020The Rule of Thirds, the Second HelpingThe Rule of Thirds is among the first compositional concepts photographers learn. Show us photos composed with the Rule of Thirds in mind.2154243
804Sep 30, 2020LuminousShow us things that are shining, glowing, or lustrous.3983505
803Sep 23, 2020If I Toad You Once I've Toad You a Thousand Times...that we want pictures of animals that are commonly found traveling on the ground - frogs, toads, snakes, snails, worms, slugs, etc. The pictured animal is not required to be on the ground in the picture. Difficulty: no bugs unless they are battling/being consumed by the qualifying critter.3666428
802Sep 16, 2020Me, Myselfie, and IPictures of you/parts of you that you took yourself. Usual Fark SFW/NSFW rules apply.2854355
801Sep 9, 2020Software Hootenanny 10Any and all treatments not normally allowed software-wise are allowed/encouraged for this contest: artsy filters, exposure stacking/HDR, tilt-shift fakes, stitching, etc. NOTE: Combining multiple shots or elements thereof in any fashion you desire is fair game, but every pixel in your final image must have started its life as a pixel in a photo that you personally took. All photos used in any way for this contest cannot be used in future contests unless the theme allows for previously used photos.2249328
800Sep 2, 2020Pandemic PutteringsWhat have YOU been doing while under lock down? Show us how you have been keeping busy/sane for the past few months while the world is going through the pandemic.2862465
799Aug 26, 2020Animal Kingdom 2The entire animal kingdom is fair game EXCEPT for homo sapiens.3276469
798Aug 19, 2020Places of Worship 2Buildings where people go to worship, pray, confess, meditate, marry, bury, see visions or whatever else. Examples include: Churches, mosques, shrines, ashrams, sweat lodges. Difficulty: It’s gotta be man-made and have a semblance of walls and roof.2036132
797Aug 12, 2020Mechanical MuscleShow us that heavy construction machinery, big bad engines, or just machines that do the heavy lifting. Excavators, heavy equipment, cranes are all a go. Difficulty: No biological muscles allowed.1525139
796Aug 5, 2020City LifeShow us traffic, lights, buildings, anything that says “city.”2453245
795Jul 29, 2020I Swear I Seed ItSeeds come in all kinds of shapes and sizes - from dainty dandelion fluff to the coco de mer, the seed of a palm tree. Show us seeds in the wild, gathered up, baked for consumption, however you find them.2033186
794Jul 22, 2020Monumental 2Monuments have become a flash point for discussion and action in 2020. Show us photographs of statues, monuments, or other memorials. Difficulty: Subjects should be man-made. Bonus (optional): Provide some information regarding your subject matter.2139149
793Jul 15, 2020ThingsNot people or places. Show us pictures of things.3877490
792Jul 8, 2020A Fire in the SkyShow us pictures of fires in the sky: sunrises, sunsets, fireworks, even wildfires. Fires are fair game if the photo is taken against the sky.2548289
791Jul 1, 2020BreakdownShow us pictures of things that are broken down, no longer work, and/or are in a state of decay. Difficulty: No people.2958331
790Jun 24, 2020Tiptoe Through the Tulips 3Flowers of all kinds, they don’t have to be tulips.2972467
789Jun 17, 2020Purple 3Show us photos with a dominant purple theme.2246294
788Jun 10, 2020Y M C AFarkers, there’s no need to feel down. Pick yourself off the ground, and show us photos that start with a Y, M, C, or A.2142182
787Jun 3, 2020June BugShow us your best bug shots. Volkswagon Beetles need not apply.1635146
786May 27, 2020Squares 4Give us your images in a 1:1 ratio. Any subject, as long as the photo itself is in square format.1836164
785May 20, 2020And the Band Played OnRemember when we could all gather together to forget daily life for a brief moment and just enjoy some good music? Pepperidge Farms remembers. Help us remember too by showing us your best concert shots.1944222
784May 13, 2020Happy Farktography Anniversary 15It’s Farktography’s 15th anniversary! Post your highest vote getters or favorite photos since May 2019. Prior contest entries allowed but not required; prior entries, HDR, stacked, stitched & text-added photos eligible only if used in a contest since 5/08/19.1638179
783May 6, 2020Fresh PhotosShow us your freshest photos: nothing you’ve taken before April 22, 2020.2858344
782Apr 29, 2020Quarantine CookbookHow are you using up the items in your pantry, fridge, and freezer to create meals in the middle of quarantine? Show us your favorite meals. Note: Must post the recipe with your photo.81663
781Apr 22, 2020You Card!Show us a cover image for a card that you would send to someone to cheer them up. Text, filters, borders are allowed (but not required if the image is laughingly funny enough on it’s own). Difficulty: No cards that you would send to your UN-favorite politician or in-law.71168
780Apr 15, 2020IsolationIsolation, it’s not just you. Shows us images that show or represent isolation of persons, places, or things.2853317
779Apr 8, 2020Free-For-All 2This theme is wide open; post anything you’d like. Normal Farktography rules apply (no HDR, no stitched frames, no crazy filters or Photoshopping, etc) but beyond that, it’s up to you.3371515
778Apr 1, 2020Apocalypse NowWhat useful survival skills or items do you have that will sustain you during the apocalypse? Show us!1426150
777Mar 25, 2020QuarantinedShow us what you’re doing to occupy yourself while social distancing in the age of COVID-19.1435217
776Mar 18, 2020Phoning It InNo camera snobbery here - show us your cell phone photos. Filters are totally on-point and acceptable for this theme.3268537
775Mar 11, 2020MelancholiaShow us photos that have a melancholy feel to them.1425115
774Mar 4, 2020Tools of the Trade 2Every job has a set of tools that go with it. Photograph them. Doesn’t have to be your job.1224106
773Feb 26, 2020Silver and GoldPhotograph metallic objects that are gold or silver in either metal content or color (or both).1324143
772Feb 19, 2020In Deep Shadow 2Photographs with strong contrast between light and dark, may be of any subject.2856327
771Feb 12, 2020Anything Goes 2No theme requirements, no processing limitations, no restrictions on multiple exposures. Just show us your best work that you haven’t entered before.3375571
770Feb 5, 2020Special KShow us things that start with the letter K: Keys, Kegs, Kumquats, Kazoos – whatever you want, as long as it starts with a K.1524133
769Jan 29, 2020That’s SharpShow us photos of things that are sharp.1738193
768Jan 22, 2020Farkitecture 3Buildings, bridges and other human-made structures.3469409
767Jan 15, 2020Curves 3Pictures of things that show curves.2239284
766Jan 8, 2020Teh Funnay 5Photos that make you laugh. Difficulty: No titles or descriptions. If you have to explain the joke, it’s just not funny.1941203
765Jan 1, 2020NewIt’s a new year and a new decade. Show us what’s new (or new to you) in your life.101441
764Dec 25, 2019Seasons’ Greetings 12Images that would make great Holiday cards. Please note: For this week’s theme, you may add text to your images if you wish, though it is not required. All other Farktography rules apply, however.1122106
763Dec 18, 2019Holidays on DisplayIt’s December and holiday displays are everywhere. Show us pictures of outdoor holiday lights at night.152685
762Dec 11, 2019Less is More 4Minimalism to the max: Show us your best minimalist photos.2140202
761Dec 4, 2019The Big DShow us things that start with the letter D: Dams, Drums, Drinks, Dentifrices - whatever you want, as long as it starts with a D. Difficulty: Must be SFW.2348232
760Nov 27, 2019Giving Thanks 2It’s Thanksgiving in the USA; show us what you’re thankful for.81577
759Nov 20, 2019Monovember – Old TimersShow us sepia, cyanotype, daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, or tintype images. Post processing techniques using “age” filters/layers, sepia/cyanotype toning, antique/age borders are allowed for this theme. Difficulty: No straight black and white or grayscale images.1123112
758Nov 13, 2019Monovember – MonochromeThe term monochrome is usually taken to mean the same as black and white or, more likely, grayscale. And while it may also be used to refer to other combinations containing only tones of a single color, such as gradients of green or red, we want to see grayscale monochromatic images.2251299
757Nov 6, 2019Orange 3Photos with a dominant orange theme.2353338
756Oct 30, 2019Halloween 10It’s that time of year again: Give us your best Halloween photos.81549
755Oct 23, 2019Wallpaper This 3Shoot a photograph specifically to be used as computer, tablet, or phone wallpaper. **Note: While all Farktographers maintain their own copyrights to their photos, those entering photos in this thread are allowing their photos to be saved by others for use as wallpaper. No other use or rights to modify or distribute are implied or granted.2863434
754Oct 16, 2019Our Bodies Ourselves 2Subject matter that’s close at hand. Or foot. These would be SFW pictures of our skin. Be it an elbow, knee, fold of fat or whatever. Even your hair, eyes, lips, and nails. Just make sure it belongs to you and shoot it. Difficulty: No full faces.121884
753Oct 9, 2019ExoticExotic (adjective): 1) introduced from another country - not native to the place where found; 2) foreign, alien; 3) strikingly, excitingly, or mysteriously different or unusual; 4) of or relating to striptease. Difficulty: No definition #4.1942160
752Oct 2, 2019Leaf It AlonePictures where a leaf or leaves are the primary subject matter. Brilliant fall colors or cool summer greens. Leaves on a potted plant or from a towering tree. Leaves large as an adult or small and thin as a pine needle (because needles are leaves). Show us some deciduous deliciousness.2246239
751Sep 25, 2019Software Hootenanny 9Any and all treatments not normally allowed software-wise are allowed/encouraged for this contest: artsy filters, exposure stacking/HDR, tilt-shift fakes, stitching, etc. NOTE: Combining multiple shots or elements thereof in any fashion you desire is fair game, but every pixel in your final image must have started its life as a pixel in a photo that you personally took. All photos used in any way for this contest cannot be used in future contests unless the theme allows for previously used photos.2553293
750Sep 18, 2019Bird's the Word 2Birds in flight. Birds walking around. Birds swimming in ponds. Roasted birds on your dinner table. Show us birds!3475690
749Sep 11, 2019P's & Q'sShow us things that start with the letters P or Q: Porcupines, Parades, Quills, Quinces – whatever you want, as long as it starts with a P or Q.2755288
748Sep 4, 2019This Contest Theme Is Under ConstructionShow us pictures of things under construction - roads, buildings, sandcastles - anything as long as it is going up and not coming down. Photos of construction workers on the job are also allowed.132468
747Aug 28, 2019Airplane!Since this is contest #747, show us pictures of airplanes. In the air, on the ground, flight capable, toys, or models are all fair game. Difficulty: Must be an airplane and not a helicopter or other rotorcraft.3361350
746Aug 21, 2019Totally TubularIn one year Bill and Ted will be back back on the silver screen (8/21/20). In the 80’s, “tubular” meant awesome or excellent so let’s start the countdown to the movie’s release with tubular images of tubes – the insides or outsides of pipes, conduit, sewers, etc.1530169
745Aug 14, 2019PeopleIndividuals or groups, portraits or candids - show us photos of people.2755271
744Aug 7, 2019Rain, Rain, Go Away 2Photographs shot in/of the rain.1938220
743Jul 31, 2019Look Out Below 2Pictures taken from an elevated location, looking down on the subject.2551275
742Jul 24, 2019Signs 3: Everywhere a SignSigns of all sorts. Must be a tangible sign, not something such as “signs of aging or signs of spring.” Blockin’ out the scenery or breakin’ your mind not required.3976246
741Jul 17, 2019Christmas in JulyYou read that right. Christmas photos! In July!1428152
740Jul 10, 2019Bokeh 5Bokeh refers to the blurry out of focus elements in an image. Show us images that use bokeh creatively.2753233
739Jul 3, 2019Boom! 3Take pretty pictures of things blowing up. Fireworks, mentos in diet coke, explosions of any type.71141
738Jun 26, 2019One (More) For the RoadRoads, highways, streets, alleys, etc. Note: The only acceptable instances of people in your photos would be if they’re small/incidental/unidentifiable. The focus here should be on the roads.2551294
737Jun 19, 2019Golly GShow us things that start with the letter G: Guitars, Giraffes, Gardens, Ginger (either kind) - whatever you want, as long as it starts with a G.2654239
736Jun 12, 2019Fur BabiesShow us your pets!4885570
735Jun 5, 2019The Doors 2Pictures of doorways, entrances, etc. Windows need not apply.1945162
734May 29, 2019Illustrate a Fark TagExactly what the title says: Illustrate a Fark tag. Must include the tag with your photo. Choose from: Amusing, Asinine, Awkward, Boobies (must be SFW), CSB (Cool Story Bro), Caturday, Cool, Creepy, Dumbass, Facepalm, Fail, Fake, Farktography, Florida, Giggity, Hero, Interesting, Ironic, Live, Misc, Murica, News, Newsflash, Obvious, PSA, Plug, Sad, Sappy, Satire, Scary, Sick, Silly, Spiffy, Strange, Stupid, Unlikely, Vintage, Weeners (must be SFW), Weird, Wheaton, Woofday.2546260
733May 22, 2019Stripes 2Stripey things!2340304
732May 15, 2019Favorite ThingsPhotos of things that makes Maria happy in the famous song from The Sound of Music. Difficulty: Each of your photos must be a different favorite thing!172597
731May 8, 2019Happy Farktography Anniversary 14It’s Farktography’s 14th anniversary! Post your highest vote getters or favorite photos since May 2018. Prior contest entries allowed but not required; prior entries, HDR, stacked, stitched & text-added photos eligible only if used in a contest since 5/09/18.1847208
730May 1, 2019Red 3Photos where the dominant color or theme is red.2857301
729Apr 24, 2019Tiptoe Through the Tulips 2Flowers of all kinds, they don’t have to be tulips.3785382
728Apr 17, 2019To a 'T'Show us things that start with the letter T: Turkeys, turnstiles, Trekkers, Trekkies – whatever you want, as long as it starts with a T.2249194
727Apr 10, 2019Abstract Thoughts 2Photography in the abstract style. Note (from Wikipedia): “Abstract art uses a visual language of form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world.”1941180
726Apr 3, 2019Product PlacementPhotos in which a commercial product or logo is prominently or strategically placed.2245310
725Mar 27, 2019In Memoriam: SilverStagSilverStag’s first Farktography contest was Contest #15 in 2005 (Nighttime Photography), pre-dating Elsinore by 36 contests. He was a regular from 2006-2013 and still managed to post occasionally between 2014 and his last contest in October 2018 (Shoot the Photographer). He was a man with ridiculously varied passions and interests. Therefore, in memorial to SilverStag, show us photos of things he was passionate about: planes, trains, travel, music, technology, the military, photography, and family.2144187
724Mar 20, 2019Office Space 2Photographs of office sorts of spaces or things. Red staplers do apply.112164
723Mar 13, 2019Arts and CraftsShow us the beautiful (or at least “interesting”) things humans make with their hands.2351198
722Mar 6, 2019One is the Loneliest Number, AgainKeywords: one and lonely. Difficulty: No self portraits.2757247
721Feb 27, 2019Stoned 2Photos where rocky things are prominent; anything from sand and/or rocks to boulders and/or mountains. Or, you know, other interpretations.2969269
720Feb 20, 2019Coffee ShopShow us coffee shops and/or the beverages, people, and things found inside them. Home versions of coffee or tea brewing equipment and drinks are also fair game.121881
719Feb 13, 2019Ice Ice BabyShow us water in its solid state.2746251
718Feb 6, 2019For F's SakeShow us things that start with the letter F: Flurries, furries, furies, flugelhorns – whatever you want, as long as it starts with an F. Difficulty: No fornication or fellatio.2661344
717Jan 30, 2019Reflections 4Reflections. In water, windows, mirrors, whatever.2755272
716Jan 23, 2019Blue 4Show us photos with a dominant blue theme. Difficulty: No sky.1934261
715Jan 16, 2019Straight Out Of Camera 2Any subject but no post-processing allowed, not even cropping. (Resizing a file to fit Fark’s data requirements is fine.)3363374
714Jan 9, 2019Pylons and PolesShow us pictures of the pylons and poles that keep us connected to the grid.1733150
713Jan 2, 2019Booze 3Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker! Photograph all manner of alcoholic beverages.142254
712Dec 26, 2018Black and White 4Any subject as long as it is presented in black and white. Color originals converted to b&w are also acceptable.2657262
711Dec 19, 2018Seasons' Greetings 11Images that would make great Holiday cards. Please note: For this week’s theme, you may add text to your images if you wish, though it is not required. All other Farktography rules apply, however.142573
710Dec 12, 2018Blur 3Use blur for a purpose. Examples of blur include: motion, long exposure, panning, intentional out-of-focus, shallow depth-of-field, etc.2545194
709Dec 5, 2018You Can't Fight City Hall 3Photos of government buildings, including but not limited to City Hall, State Capitol, National Capitol, Department buildings, Fire Department, Sewer and Water, whatever... as long as it’s owned by a government or has some government purpose.2034124
708Nov 28, 2018Sibilant SShow us things that start with the letter S: Soup, snakes, servers, Slim Shady – whatever you want, as long as it starts with an S. (Caveat: no poop)2554220
707Nov 21, 2018Software Hootenanny 8Any and all treatments not normally allowed software-wise are allowed/encouraged for this contest: artsy filters, exposure stacking/HDR, tilt-shift fakes, stitching, etc. NOTE: Combining multiple shots or elements thereof in any fashion you desire is fair game, but every pixel in your final image must have started its life as a pixel in a photo that you personally took. All photos used in any way for this contest cannot be used in future contests unless the theme allows for previously used photos.1632151
706Nov 14, 2018ProfilesProfile shots. Can be a photo of anything but should not be taken of a view that could be considered the front or back of whatever you are photographing. So, you know... side views.3261280
705Nov 7, 2018Travel Photography 2Show us where you've been.4199480
704Oct 31, 2018Halloween 9It's that time of year again: Give us your best Halloween photos.91580
703Oct 24, 2018Shoot the PhotographerPictures of people taking pictures. Difficulty: No selfies.1833129
702Oct 17, 2018Toys In The AtticPhotographs of toys. Should actually be things you can play with and not metaphorical "toys" like that sports car you bought when you turned 40.253894
701Oct 10, 2018The Low DownPhotos taken at or near ground level.2753361
700Oct 3, 2018What I Did On My Summer Vacation Show us what you did for fun this summer. Photos must have been taken between June 21 (summer solstice) and Sept 22, 2018 (fall equinox). For you southern hemispherites... Your dates are Dec 21 2017-Mar 20 2018.2963271
699Sep 26, 2018Sweet ThingsPies, cakes, pastries, candy, donuts, whatever… Photos of everything thing sweet that's good to eat!1529141
698Sep 19, 2018A Shore Thing 2Pictures from the beach or at least the water's edge.3472337
697Sep 12, 2018Fruits and Vegetables 3Pictures of fruits and veggies - set up, still on the tree, still on the ground, in a store, in your fridge, etc.1732134
696Sep 5, 2018Roy G Biv 2Rainbows, moonbows, opalescence, and other visual effects of diffraction or refraction.2342190
695Aug 29, 2018Bugged OutShow us bugs of all kinds: Insects, arachnids, or arthropods on land or sea.2461263
694Aug 22, 2018Free-For-AllThis theme is wide open; post anything you'd like. Normal Farktography rules apply (no HDR, no stitched frames, no crazy filters or Photoshopping, etc), but beyond that, it's up to you.4288477
693Aug 15, 2018Monochromatic Masterpieces 2Take a photo where the entirety of the image is variations of the same color. Difficulty: No black and white.2550311
692Aug 8, 2018BeveragesHot, cold, boozy, or kid-friendly: Show us drinks of all kinds.1939181
691Aug 1, 2018Mental Health DayShow us the things you like to do when you need to take a day and practice some self-care.1940196
690Jul 25, 2018NavyShow us photos with a navy theme - the color or the military branch.2033159
689Jul 18, 2018Nth DegreeShow us things that start with the letter N: Nutrias, New York City, neon lights, narwhals - whatever you want, as long as it starts with an N.2443128
688Jul 11, 2018Float Like a Butterfly 2Photos of Lepidoptera. Yes, moths count too.1832165
687Jul 4, 2018Boom! 2Take pretty pictures of things blowing up. Fireworks, mentos in diet coke, explosions of any type.1328130
686Jun 27, 2018MidwayWe're halfway through the year. Celebrate by showing us your Midway photos from a State Fair, County fair or strip mall parking lot - images of Midway carnival rides, booths, food, or folks enjoying any of these.1632158
685Jun 20, 2018Modern Day Still Life 2A collection of modern day items assembled to resemble the standard still life.132084
684Jun 13, 2018Can I Get a Show of Hands 2Photograph human hands. Real, or otherwise.162781
683Jun 6, 2018Waterscapes 3Pictures of the sea, lakes, rivers and ponds; and for the really desperate, swimming pools are permissable.3779378
682May 30, 2018Living History 2Photograph something over 100 years old.2458203
681May 23, 2018Brown 2Photos with a dominant brown theme. All the usual Fark posting rules apply (no poop!).1945158
680May 16, 2018A Portal Through 2Entryways and exits, windows, tunnels, caves, or wormholes, show us a portal from one place to another.2854149
679May 9, 2018Happy Farktography Anniversary 13It's Farktography's 13th anniversary! Post your highest vote getters or favorite photos since May 2017. Prior contest entries allowed but not required; prior entries, HDR, stacked, stitched & text-added photos eligible only if used in a contest since 5/10/17.1740271
678May 2, 2018Look! Up in the sky!It's a bird! It's a plane! It... could be those or about anything else. Show us an image where your point of view is straight up or nearly so. Bonus Internets if you capture a superhero flying overhead!4183481
677Apr 25, 2018Happy Little AccidentsPhotos where a technical error was made - the camera moved during a long exposure, focus was in the wrong spot or completely off, highlights are way blown out, composition is awkward, white balance was way off but despite those things, the photo came out interesting. Note: Not for literal pictures of accidents but rather technical mistakes that came out interesting as a photo.2034177
676Apr 18, 2018The Upside DownTake some pictures and turn them upside down! Difficulty: No reflections.1638141
675Apr 11, 2018Dogs vs CatsPhotos of dogs and/or cats. Doesn't have to be a domesticated dog or cat - wolves, lions, cheetahs, etc count, as do stuffed animals, statues, and other sorts of representations of dogs and cats.3972440
674Apr 4, 2018Squares 3Give us your images in a 1:1 ratio. Any subject, as long as the photo itself is in square format.2249257
673Mar 28, 2018What the L?Show us things that start with the letter L: Legos, lobsters, lights, landwars in Asia - whatever you want, as long as it starts with an L.2857213
672Mar 21, 2018AngelsGuardian angels, Hell's Angels, sassy cherubs, the better angels of our natures... angels however and wherever you find them. Wings optional.2138138
671Mar 14, 2018Up & Down 2Stairs, steps, escalators, ladders, elevators, and ramps - show us things that take you up and down. Difficulty: People/pets/other items may not be the main subject of your photo.2546230
670Mar 7, 2018Low Key 2Take a photo where the subject is illuminated from a single point of light. Note: Low key photos show high contrast, and many/most of the tones will be in the shadow range. A bright photo taken with the sun as your only source of light does not qualify.163387
669Feb 28, 2018Geometry 2Pictures should have an obvious geometric component to them: circles, squares, triangles, octagons, diamonds, etc. Difficulty: Must be an inanimate object.2660306
668Feb 21, 2018It's a Technicality 2Things technical in nature, a circuit board, complex wiring harness, a panel of knobs, etc. The photo should "speak" technology.172782
667Feb 14, 2018Shades of Gray 3Between black and white there are many shades of gray - photograph them.2648180
666Feb 7, 2018Mark of the BeastIn honor of Farktography's 666th contest, show us pictures of tattoos, devils, demons, beasts (sweet furry house pets need not apply), or 6's.1529134
665Jan 31, 2018Comfort 2This theme is all about comfort. Your favorite blanket, a cup of cocoa, or perhaps whatever calms your soul after a long day.192972
664Jan 24, 2018DelineationShow us the line separating two distinct areas, like a sidewalk and lawn, a smooth surface and a rough one, dark and light, or any other such sharply distinct demarcation line. Difficulty: must be evenly bisected, left/right, up/down, or corner/corner.2140199
663Jan 17, 2018Pink 2Photos emphasizing the color pink. Photos of P!nk, the singer, are also fair game.1733118
662Jan 10, 2018Mmm Bokeh 4Bokeh refers to the blurry out of focus elements in an image. Show us images that use bokeh creatively.2862363
661Jan 3, 2018Mr. MShow us things that start with an M: man buns, mold, mix tapes - whatever you want, as long as it starts with an M.2350226
660Dec 27, 2017Hit Me With Your Best Shot 2Show us the best of your photography. Any subject, any style. No difficulties or other limitations beyond the standard rules.3673491
659Dec 20, 2017Seasons' Greetings 10Images that would make great Holiday cards. Please note: For this week's theme, you may add text to your images if you wish, though it is not required. All other Farktography rules apply, however.101781
658Dec 13, 2017FoodsSince it's the holiday season for most of us, let's show some food items you make and/or consume during this time of year.102074
657Dec 6, 2017The Light at the End...Show us your tunnels, your long dark hallways, covered bridges, etc. Basically, anything where there is a light at the end of a long darker corridor/tunnel/pipe/etc.1830208
656Nov 29, 2017Dream a Little DreamUse one of your photographs and the Deep Dream Generator ( to create something dreamy or artistic. This departs from the rules we normally follow, so go wild! If you use a texture of your own, it must also be your own photo. Please provide a link to your original photo for comparison.1839310
655Nov 22, 2017Autumn 5Foliage, giant pumpkins, bonfires, etc., take a photo that shows us what Autumn means to you.1832157
654Nov 15, 2017Top This!Photos of the things people use to adorn their heads (hats, scarves, wigs, piles of fruit, etc.)132780
653Nov 8, 2017Purple 2Show us photos with a dominant purple theme.1843234
652Nov 1, 2017Let's Get LyricalImages that evoke the feeling/mood of a song lyric. Lyric must be included in the image or post, either added as an text overlay on the image or added as a title above the image in the post. Song name and artist required in image caption below the image.1939148
651Oct 25, 2017Nightmare FuelPhotos of things that cannot be unseen, things that you just find creepy and/or disturbing. Of course, must be SFW.2950293
650Oct 18, 2017Let There Be LightPhotos where light/lighting is the central element. Difficulty: No actual sunrise/sunset/eclipse photos. Photos using that light are acceptable, so long as the light is the central theme of the photo.3876374
649Oct 11, 2017That's No Moon 2Round or spherical things. But not the moon.2244193
648Oct 4, 2017Software Hootenanny 7Any and all treatments not normally allowed software-wise are allowed/encouraged for this contest: artsy filters, exposure stacking/HDR, tilt-shift fakes, stitching, etc. NOTE: Combining multiple shots or elements thereof in any fashion you desire is fair game, but every pixel in your final image must have started its life as a pixel in a photo that you personally took. All photos used in any way for this contest cannot be used in future contests.1629226
647Sep 27, 2017Don't Burn BridgesLet's see photos of bridges! Any type... foot or vehicle, natural or man made, day or night shots, etc.3375336
646Sep 20, 2017EclipsesIn honor of the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017, show us pictures from any solar or lunar eclipse. Crowd shots at an eclipse viewing gathering are fair game, as is the gum; stacked or HDR shots are not.2751304
645Sep 13, 2017In Memoriam: Night Skies, Cold Landscapes, & Abandoned PlacesIn memorial of Soosh, show us your night sky, icy/snowy landscapes, and/or abandoned places shots.3267371
644Sep 6, 2017Sports Photography 2Professional, amateur or recreational, show us people involved in sports!1734118
643Aug 30, 2017Green 3Photos with a dominant green theme.3581468
642Aug 23, 2017Farkitecture 2Buildings, bridges and other man-made structures.2754352
641Aug 16, 2017C is for CookieShow us things that start with a C: cookies, cars, chupacabras - whatever you want, as long as it starts with a C.3064332
640Aug 9, 2017ZootographyAnimals, crowds, peanut shells, whatever. It's all good if it's at the zoo. Aquariums and drive-through animal parks are good, too. No National/State Parks.3075417
639Aug 2, 2017Fire HydrantsObviously... photos of fire hydrants!1326127
638Jul 26, 2017Statuary 2From public art to museum quality pieces, show us statues of every kind!2359176
637Jul 19, 2017Come And Sit With MePhotos of nice places to sit: park benches, your favorite lounge chair, pool chairs, a rocky outcropping in the mountains, etc. You can include the view if you like, but photo should include at least part of the sitting place itself.3769440
636Jul 12, 2017Flower Power 4: More FlowersShow us your flower pictures!3280545
635Jul 5, 2017Take a Walk on the Wild SideWild animals or wild landscapes. The key world here is wild. Zoos, pets, and manicured lawns are right out. Go forth and adventure.2454376
634Jun 28, 2017Airborne 2Flying, gliding, falling, or throwing - show something airborne. Difficulty: No clouds or astronomical objects, no holding things up with string (holding them down is fine).2348451
633Jun 21, 2017Noir 2: Prints of DarknessPhoto's evocative of the darker elements of human nature: crime, rage, jealousy, fear, cynicism, anything from the scary part of your psyche.1528125
632Jun 14, 2017MotorcyclesTitle says it all... street bikes, dirt bikes, even mini bikes and scooters. Difficulty: No child electric toys, must be gasoline powered.2237126
631Jun 7, 2017Grave GoodsPhotographs of the things people leave at graves, memorials, accident sites, etc. Can include the grave, memorial, etc. itself but the focus should be on the items placed there in memory. Bouquets of flowers totally count.1331116
630May 31, 2017Amusement ParksPhotos of amusement parks and their rides. For the interest of inclusion, local city parks with swing sets and climbing bars and such count.1636160
629May 24, 2017Fire and IcePhotos of hot things or cold things. Your choice.1942193
628May 17, 2017To the Moon and Back!Show us your photos taken in moonlight.1938172
627May 10, 2017Happy Farktography Anniversary 12It's Farktography's 12th anniversary! Post your highest vote getters or favorite photos since May 2016. Prior contest entries allowed but not required; prior entries, HDR, stacked, stitched & text-added photos eligible only if used in a contest since 5/11/16.2045267
626May 3, 2017Gardens 2Photographs of gardens. Can be any sort of garden (flower, vegetable, etc) but should be a human made/designed area for the propagation of plants of some sort.2044213
625Apr 26, 2017On the BorderShow us the border between two things. You can be literal (fences, state lines, etc.) or get as existential with it as you like (that thin line between love and hate...).2544256
624Apr 19, 2017Simply Beautiful 2Nothing complex here. Capture the beauty in something plain. Difficulty: People and/or animals cannot be your main subject(s).3158349
623Apr 12, 2017Nature Photography 2All things natural. No cultivated flowers, no domestic animals, no people.4597750
622Apr 5, 2017Vice Vice Baby 2Photograph your personal vices - Cigarettes, caffeine, cell phones, bad 80's fake-rap, etc.2336144
621Mar 29, 2017LinesImages where lines and/or the patterns that they form are the predominant subject matter; i.e., images going beyond leading lines. Difficulty: No illegal powders.2549194
620Mar 22, 2017Spring Is In The Air 2Photos of spring time things! Flowers, baby animals, melting ice, whatever.2554279
619Mar 15, 2017Black 2Photos with a predominantly black color, or something black. Difficulty: No entirely black compositions. Not meant to be a black and white contest.3163193
618Mar 8, 2017The Air Down HerePhotos of near-earth clouds of smoke, steam, fog, smog, or other visible particle clouds that are close to the ground. Even dust in the air, pollen, whatever. Photos of puffy clouds in a blue sky and storm clouds rolling in need not apply.2548244
617Mar 1, 2017Religion and Spirituality 4Anything relating to people's belief system(s). Difficulty: No sports related photos.3370397
616Feb 22, 2017I See Your Point 2Pointy things. Let me show you them. Difficulty: SFW.2653312
615Feb 15, 2017Holy Macro!Any image taken with a macro lens and/or setting on camera. Let's see those close up shots!2651317
614Feb 8, 2017Happiness Is... 2Show us photos of whatever makes you happy. No restrictions other than the usual Farktography rules.2855338
613Feb 1, 2017Frickin' Laser BeamsPhotos of any kind, type, or activity with a laser such as the light show at a concert, teasing your pet with one, using a pointer for a presentation, etc.1019108
612Jan 25, 2017Yellow 2Photos with a dominant yellow theme. SFW difficulty should be obvious.3368339
611Jan 18, 2017Just Desserts Part DeuxShow us your pictures of tasty, tasty desserts!121640
610Jan 11, 2017Nighty Night 2Photos taken at night. City lights, traffic streams, night sky, moonlit scenes, etc. Astrophotography and associated techniques (e.g. exposure stacking, etc) allowed but not required. Panoramas are OK this week, too.3574428
609Jan 4, 2017Potent Potables 4In the spirit of New Years' celebrations, show us photos of bars, beer, alcohol, spirits, liquor cabinets, winos, drunks, etc.223568
608Dec 28, 2016Red Light, Green Light 3Show us photos where the subject or scene is illuminated by colored light (can be other colors besides red and green). Examples of light sources include fireworks, colored lightbulbs and shades, gelled or filtered studio lights and flashes, neon and outdoor signs, etc.2035176
607Dec 21, 2016OrnaMENTALShow us the ornaments that don't quite fit the season, the wacky Holiday displays or lighting, the ugly sweater collection. Anything that makes you go "Really? Someone thought of this when they thought of Christmas?"1422131
606Dec 14, 2016White 2Photos with a dominant white theme. Difficulty: No black & white/grayscale.2958212
605Dec 7, 2016Auto DetailingShow us the details that make that car unique (accessories, chrome, paint details, nameplate, etc). Difficulty: No more than half of the car can be in the photo. Bonus cred: image showing detailing of the detailing.2658150
604Nov 30, 2016Barking Up The Wrong TreePhotos of trees. Singular, plural, forest, what have you.2967284
603Nov 23, 2016Eat Me 3Photograph food in all its glory!1732136
602Nov 16, 2016Orange 2Photos with a dominant orange theme.2451340
601Nov 9, 2016LibationsWith the longest and craziest US election season in history drawing to a close, we all might be needing a drink or three, whether it's to dull the pain, celebrate a victory, or induce amnesia. Show us what you'll be (or already are) drinking.3047134
600Nov 2, 2016WTF? 2Photograph things that make you go "WTF?"2232205
599Oct 26, 2016Hallowe'en 8It's that time of year again: Give us your best Hallowe'en photos.162484
598Oct 19, 2016What's Bugging You?Insects, any type... Ants, spiders, flies, bees, etc. Bonus if photo shows it actually bugging you (or someone)!3064337
597Oct 12, 2016Collections 2Show off collections of things. Most people have some sort of collection or know people who do... stamps, pressed flowers, beer cans, screws that you don't know what they go to and they might still be useful, etc.1934104
596Oct 5, 2016The Fungus Among UsPhotos of any kind of fungus... mushrooms, mold, etc.2341201
595Sep 28, 2016Giving Up and Giving InCell phone pictures and only cell phone pictures. Use of in-camera (in-phone?) editing and filters like Instagram, Smugmug, Vsco is OK and actually preferred. Show us what you can make that cheesy little phone camera do!2964285
594Sep 21, 2016Talk Like a Pirate, Walk Like a PirateArrrrrr matey! September 19th be "Talk Like a Pirate Day." Show us some pirate themed photos, ya scurvy dogs, and booty better be pirate booty. No gratuitous butt shots, unless ye've a desire to walk the plank!111958
593Sep 14, 2016Less is More 3Minimalism to the max: Show us your best minimalist photos.3260203
592Sep 7, 2016Out In Left FieldFields of every kind (sports fields, meadows, croplands, etc).2543154
591Aug 31, 2016Teh Funnay 4Photos that make you laugh. Difficulty: No titles or descriptions. If you have to explain the joke, it's just not funny.142391
590Aug 24, 2016Fresh PhotosPhotograph anything you want, but all photos must have been taken within 1 week of the date the contest posts to Main (Aug 17-Aug 24, 2016).2344166
589Aug 17, 2016Software Hootenanny 6Any and all treatments not normally allowed software-wise are allowed/encouraged for this contest: artsy filters, exposure stacking/HDR, tilt-shift fakes, stitching, etc. NOTE: Combining multiple shots or elements thereof in any fashion you desire is fair game, but every pixel in your final image must have started its life as a pixel in a photo that you personally took. All photos used in any way for this contest cannot be used in future contests.2040177
588Aug 10, 2016Framed!Photos where the main subject is surrounded by something else.1940135
587Aug 3, 2016La Musica, Por Favor!Photograph anything having to do with music (concert shots, instruments and equipment, sheet music, records, tapes, CDs. street musicians, etc).2751108
586Jul 27, 2016By the Numbers 2Take a photo with a prominently displayed number.213886
585Jul 20, 2016Panoramics 2Panoramic photos using stitching software, panoramic cameras, or cropping to give the effect.3055122
584Jul 13, 2016Go With the Flow 2Show us flow - liquid, traffic, airflow, any kind of 'fluid motion' from one place to another.2039146
583Jul 6, 2016Hidden Summertime GemsDo you have that special spot where you like to go during the warm summer months? That secret fishing hole, mountain vista, beach or great patio bar by the water? Show us your favorite gems here!1932104
582Jun 29, 2016Nuts & Bolts 2Pictures of motors, engines, machinery, gears, gizmos and gadgets. All types of mechanical goodness welcome. Oh, pictures of nuts and bolts too! (No squirrel nuts or man giblets.)183384
581Jun 22, 2016Dramatic LicenseFrom biblical weather, method actors, and expressive sports players, to that time your kid had a meltdown in Target, show us the drama! (Yes, of course llamas are allowed.)1725113
580Jun 15, 2016All Your 2000 PartsBody parts... preferably not severed. Obvious difficulty: SFW172031
579Jun 8, 2016B's!Things that start with B: Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica, whatever, as long as it starts with B.3877387
578Jun 1, 2016What You See Is What You GetPhotos that are straight out of the camera. Can be a photo of anything, but must be entirely unedited.2654225
577May 25, 2016Onion BeltPost something from "back in the day," preferably a thing or idea exaggerating what the olden days were like "when I was your age."2340209
576May 18, 2016Let's Get PersonalPhotos taken of you, by you. We know Farktographers are more creative than what's out there - show us your creative self-portraits!2235149
575May 11, 2016Happy Farktography Anniversary 11It's Farktography's 11th anniversary! Post your highest vote getters or favorite photos since May 2015. Prior contest entries allowed but not required; prior entries, HDR, stacked, stitched & text-added photos eligible only if used in a contest since 5/11/15.1736138
574May 4, 2016Silhouettes 3Backlit photos, photographs where the border, outer edges or overall shape of the subject(s) are highlighted. Difficulty: Shadows or reflections can't be the primary focus of your photos.3157335
573Apr 27, 2016Tangled Up 2Show us photos of one or more things that are comingled, tangled, melded, etc.2542147
572Apr 20, 2016Artsy-Fartsy 2Impressionism, abstraction, bokeh, etc... Take an artsy-fartsy picture.2748317
571Apr 13, 2016It's ComplementaryPhotographs where the dominant color scheme consists of two complementary colors (e.g., red-green, blue-orange, etc). You can use any color wheel you wish. Difficulty: No Christmas stuff!2138181
570Apr 6, 2016Same Stuff, Different DayPhotograph things you use every day. Difficulty: No cameras or camera gear.202971
569Mar 30, 2016Welcome to the Gun ShowPictures of guns, actual or euphemistic/colloquial/literary. E.g. rifles, pistols, revolvers, cannons, howitzers, life size and scale models,... E.g. muscles, big feet,…132480
568Mar 23, 2016Hobbies 3Besides photography, how else do you spend your free time? Keep it SFW and within Fark guidelines please! Difficulty: No Fark or other websites.2546178
567Mar 16, 2016Dinosaurs!!!Show us your T-Rex and other extinct reptiles! Dino bones, dino toys, doesn't matter, lets see some dinosaurs!193086
566Mar 9, 2016Graves 4Graves, gravestones, headstones, mausoleums, crypts and other places and evidence of final rest.2962233
565Mar 2, 2016Boats 2Photograph boats: Barges, ocean liners, tugboats, and other watercraft capable of carrying people. Model boats and/or toys are fair game as well.3577334
564Feb 24, 2016I'm Beginning to See a Pattern Here 2Patterns or motifs, geometric or natural; show us pictures that rely heavily upon repeating elements as a main focal point.2449228
563Feb 17, 2016Daybreak 2Early morning shots.2860239
562Feb 10, 2016Up Close 4Macrophotography: Small things in great detail.1942199
561Feb 3, 2016That's Cold 2Pictures so cold the viewer wants to get a cup of hot cocoa and sit by a fire.2544221
560Jan 27, 2016Shades of Gray 2Between black and white there are many shades of gray - photograph them.2650183
559Jan 20, 2016Broken LinesShow us photos containing a line or lines that are broken or interrupted.2662210
558Jan 13, 2016Animals 2The entire kingdom.3890395
557Jan 6, 2016Desolation 2Landscapes that imply remoteness, such as deserts, swamps, bare trees, winter scenery.3066397
556Dec 30, 2015Potent Potables 3In the spirit of New Years' celebrations, show us photos of bars, beer, alcohol, spirits, liquor cabinets, winos, drunks, etc.2137198
555Dec 23, 2015Seasons' Greetings 9Images that would make great Holiday cards. Please note: For this week's theme, you may add text to your images if you wish, though it is not required. All other Farktography rules apply, however.132186
554Dec 16, 2015Still Life 2Everywhere you go there is still life. In your home, the park, school, restaurants, anywhere! Take a picture of anything as long as it is inanimate and doesn't violate the rules of the contest or the site.2455165
553Dec 9, 2015Red Light, Green Light 2Show us photos where the subject or scene is illuminated by colored light (can be other colors besides red and green). Examples of light sources include fireworks, colored lightbulbs and shades, gelled or filtered studio lights and flashes, neon and outdoor signs, etc.1531163
552Dec 2, 2015It's About Time 2Photograph timepieces large and small.1322134
551Nov 25, 2015Giving ThanksIt's Thanksgiving in the USA; show us what you're thankful for.61140
550Nov 18, 2015Artistic Bent 2Let your inner artiste out to play. Show us your three most artistic photos. Note: Digital filters and effects used in-camera or in post-processing are allowed for this theme, but no stacked exposures or HDR.132494
549Nov 11, 2015Soldiers in UniformIt's Veteran's Day in the US and time to honor those who put their life on the line for their country. Pictures of people currently serving in the armed forces in uniform, or veterans who did their time (also in uniform or Vet's gear).111879
548Nov 4, 2015What Once Was Will PassShow us nature taking over.2135141
547Oct 28, 2015Hallowe'en 7It's that time of year again: Give us your best Hallowe'en photos.101552
546Oct 21, 2015Autumn 4Foliage, giant pumpkins, bonfires, etc., take a photo that shows us what Autumn means to you. Panoramic shots of fall foliage OK.2850220
545Oct 14, 2015Open MicNo particular theme for this, just post your best photo(s) you haven't entered before. Difficulty: All normal Farktography rules apply regarding post-processing, stacked exposures, HDR, etc.3481392
544Oct 7, 2015Farktography Classic: Blue 3Show us photos with a dominant blue theme. Difficulty: No sky.3359324
543Sep 30, 2015Seen Better Days 2Pictures of things that show signs of wear and tear. Composition can be of something rusted, damaged, faded, torn, or whatever. It must show signs of aging. No people pictures.3271201
542Sep 23, 2015PortraitsHigh key, low key, editorial, lifestyle, fashion, couture, family, senior, pre-event, in da club, in front of landmarks, so on and so forth; show us portraits. Difficulty: No selfies, no candids.2339179
541Sep 16, 2015Show Us Your NerdinessWe are all nerds in some way, we all geek out over something. Some get obsessed with model trains, others are complete football nerds. We all love something to obsession… What is yours?1937151
540Sep 9, 2015Farktography Classic: Red 2Photos should have a dominant red theme. Difficulty: No blood.2868258
539Sep 2, 2015Mosquitoes and CampfiresShow us your favorite camping spots!1331119
538Aug 26, 2015Bird's the WordBirds in flight. Good looking roasted turkeys. Show us the birds!2961403
537Aug 19, 2015Cosplay and SteampunkTake a photo of a Cosplay and/or Steampunk scene. Convention shots are okay.81878
536Aug 12, 2015Tabletop GamingTabletop games are a blast. Whether it is good old Monopoly, or something modern like Carcassonne, show us your favourite tabletop game! (Yes, RPG's count.)121944
535Aug 5, 2015Oops.... the Inept Farktographer IIShow us your screwups! The photo with the pole growing out of the subject's head, the wrong film settings, your finger in front of the lens. Difficulty: No photos of lens caps.1736155
534Jul 29, 2015A Picture is Worth a Thousand WordsUsing the maximum of three photos, describe yourself.2147188
533Jul 22, 2015Rule of ThirdsAs taught in photography, a photog should respect the rule of thirds. Show us how well you know them! Difficulty: no math (because math hard!)1942249
532Jul 15, 2015Baby CrittersAny baby animal… cuteness counts!2242263
531Jul 8, 2015Boom!Take pretty pictures of things blowing up. Fireworks, mentos in diet coke, explosions of any type.1733106
530Jul 1, 2015Contrast and Deep ShadowsPhotos showing heavy contrast or shadows. B&W photos are allowed.2138139
529Jun 24, 2015Straight LinesSharp lines in things. The lines in buildings, the straight lines of train tracks, etc. Difficulty: No illegal powders.2560417
528Jun 17, 2015Double EntendrePost a picture that's innocent enough, but the caption suggest something totally different.7831
527Jun 10, 2015High KeyPhotograph something using high key lighting techniques.81696
526Jun 3, 2015Airshow!Take pictures of planes or helicopters in flight or on the ground.2967451
525May 27, 2015Once Upon A Time In MexicoAny and all things Mexican, including the people, the restaurants and cuisine, the merchandise, the flag, the fashions, the country itself.1326175
524May 20, 2015Software Hootenanny 5Any and all treatments not normally allowed software-wise are allowed/encouraged for this contest: artsy filters, exposure stacking/HDR, tilt-shift fakes, stitching, etc. NOTE: Combining multiple shots or elements thereof in any fashion you desire is fair game, but every pixel in your final image must have started its life as a pixel in a photo that you personally took. All photos used in any way for this contest cannot be used in future contests.1527122
523May 13, 2015Happy Farktography Anniversary 10It's Farktography's 10th anniversary! In honor of a decade of Farktography, post up to 10 of your highest vote getters or favorite photos since May 11, 2005. Prior contest entries allowed but not required; HDR, stacked, stitched, text-added, or otherwise heavily manipulated photos eligible only if used in an actual Farktography contest since 5/11/05.292011225
522May 6, 2015Club HousePhotos of club members and club houses: car clubs, garden clubs, country clubs, city clubs, womens clubs, mens clubs, hacker clubs, social clubs, bridge clubs, gourmet clubs, book clubs, bike clubs, veterans clubs, bridge clubs, student clubs, ... Difficulty: no golf clubs or billy clubs.91681
521Apr 29, 2015Fairy Tales and Other Classic Childhood StoriesTake a photo reminiscent of or rehashing your favorite childhood stories.5642
520Apr 22, 2015Feet Around the WorldTake a photo of your feet out travelling the world! Difficulty: No straight down at your feet shots, show your feet the world around you!1219107
519Apr 15, 2015Money Shots 3In honor of Tax Day in the US, photograph currency and/or coinage. It could be money from around the world, coins only, bills only, the lint in most of our pockets, you decide.81462
518Apr 8, 2015Spring Has SprungPictures that show winter ending. How does warmer weather look where you are?2652244
517Apr 1, 2015Ugly-ass Baby Animals You know the meme. Now go get some pictures of ugly ass baby animals.2038222
516Mar 25, 2015I Like Big Balls, They're Such Big BallsPhotograph game balls of all shapes and sizes.112097
515Mar 18, 2015ChocolatePhotograph your favorite chocolate treats.1930123
514Mar 11, 2015Tilt-Shift Faked Miniature Scenes IIBy using either a tilt-shift lens, a DIY option such as a toilet-plunger tilt-shift, or one of many software solutions, create your own photo that looks like a miniature set, but isn't.2141394
513Mar 4, 2015Wallpaper This IIShoot a photograph specifically to be used as computer wallpaper.4089559
512Feb 25, 2015FrozenPhotograph something that's frozen/iced over.2957304
511Feb 18, 2015SelfiesShow us you.3970409
510Feb 11, 2015Nice BeaverPhotograph wild animals in their natural habitat, doing what critters do. Difficulty: Must be SFW and within Fark's usual guidelines.2958368
509Feb 4, 2015Reflections IIReflections. In water, windows, mirrors, whatever.3460266
508Jan 28, 2015Round and Round We GoPictures of round things.3072386
507Jan 21, 2015Weather III: Stormy WeatherIt's time for pretty pictures of ugly weather. No sunshine here - show us ominous clouds rolling in, heavy rainstorms, lightning, heavy snows, tornadoes, hurricanes, hailstorms, and sheets of ice. The weather event should be the main focus of the picture.2545264
506Jan 14, 2015Anything GoesNo theme requirements, no processing limitations, no restrictions on multiple exposures. Just show us your best work that you haven't entered before.2967302
505Jan 7, 2015Teh Funnay IIIPhotos that make you laugh. Difficulty: No titles or descriptions. If you have to explain the joke, it's just not funny.2948275
504Dec 31, 2014Potent Potables 2In the spirit of New Years' celebrations, show us photos of bars, beer, alcohol, spirits, liquor cabinets, winos, drunks, etc.183281
503Dec 24, 2014Seasons' Greetings 8Images that would make great Holiday cards. Please note: For this week's theme, you may add text to your images if you wish, though it is not required. All other Farktography rules apply, however.152594
502Dec 17, 2014Mmm Bokeh 3: You Want Bokeh? You Can't Handle the Bokeh!Bokeh refers to the blurry out of focus elements in an image. Show us images that use bokeh creatively.3771243
501Dec 10, 2014Goin' to the DogsCats had their turn. Now it's our time. From a good lookin' pooch to an ugly mutt, show us why canines are man's best friend.4084409
500Dec 3, 20145 for 500In honor of Farktography's 500th contest, post your 5 best/favorite photos. Previously used entries allowed but not required.32148857
499Nov 26, 2014Wat?WTF? What in the world did you photograph there? Make it as simple or as abstract as you'd like (any subject).3762241
498Nov 19, 2014Just a GeekEveryone's a geek in their own right. Take photographs that display the awesome power of your geekiness. Or, post a picture you took of Wil Wheaton.152359
497Nov 12, 2014And Not a Drop to DrinkWater. From scenic vistas at the lake to cute pics of cats drinking from taps, show us your best water pics.3984314
496Nov 5, 2014Planes, Trains, and Automobiles 2Pictures of motorized transportation. This DOES include photos of motorcycles, boats, or even semi-trucks. Mopeds I guess would be acceptable as well. NO to motorized scooters, skateboards or the like. As well, no construction type vehicles. Let's keep the theme based on those vehicles that are used as a major form of transportation. Unless you've got pictures you have personally taken of Steve Martin or John Candy. In that case, bring it.5098412
495Oct 29, 2014Hallowe'en 6It's that time of year again: Give us your best Hallowe'en photos.1828173
494Oct 22, 2014Up Close 3: MacroSmall things in great detail.3167281
493Oct 15, 2014Autumn 3Foliage, giant pumpkins, bonfires, etc., take a photo that shows us what Autumn means to you. Panoramic shots of fall foliage ok.3586357
492Oct 8, 2014Hobbies 2Besides photography, how else do you spend your free time? Keep it SFW and within Fark guidelines please! Difficulty: No Fark or other websites.3056213
491Oct 1, 2014Can't See the Forest for the TreesImages that reflect what "tree" means to you. Is it something religious? Non-natural? Beautiful? Dead? An entire forest or a single, isolated tree, standing alone? Difficulty: No title or description; the images should stand for themselves.3782340
490Sep 24, 2014Software Hootenanny 4Any and all treatments not normally allowed software-wise are allowed/encouraged for this contest: artsy filters, exposure stacking/HDR, tilt-shift fakes, stitching, etc. NOTE: Combining multiple shots or elements thereof in any fashion you desire is fair game, but every pixel in your final image must have started its life as a pixel in a photo that you personally took. All photos used in any way for this contest cannot be used in future contests.1632251
489Sep 17, 2014Challenge AcceptedPhotograph something that is not normally photographed, and make it interesting.2557250
488Sep 10, 2014I Tawt I Taw a Puddytat Numba TreeIt's been 3 years since we did a Caturday crossover thread. Bring on the cats! Note: Photos submitted to this thread remain the copyright of their respective photographers, however, by entering photos in this contest, you understand they are fair game for Caturday folks to turn into lolcats.61116480
487Sep 3, 2014Over the EdgeLooking over the edge, looking down and beyond. Difficulty: Edge must be in the photo.2347238
486Aug 27, 2014These Hallowed HallsPhotos of hallways, tunnels, walkways, basically any space that's significantly longer than it is wide.2142188
485Aug 20, 2014Celebrate!Photographs of celebrations, things you'd like to celebrate or things worth celebrating.2035249
484Aug 13, 2014Silent ImprovementPhotograph things that have slowly and quietly gotten better over time. From physical things like teapots or jeans to classes of things like frozen pizza or family movie night, as long as it is better than it was (as long as it doesn't make staplermofo cry).111329
483Aug 6, 2014Build It and They Will ComeSomething being built, but not finished yet. Could be a house, could be a skyscraper, could be a car assembly line, could even be Lego or a model airplane. Must be mid build.1936137
482Jul 30, 2014Distant HorizonsThings way off in the distance on the edge of the Earth: distant structures, forests, mountains, etc. way off at the edge of vision on the horizon.3776503
481Jul 23, 2014The Path Less Taken 2Pictures of roads, railroads, sidewalks, footpaths, etc.4183560
480Jul 16, 2014Money Shots 2Photograph currency and/or coinage. It could be money from around the world, coins only, bills only, the lint in most of our pockets, you decide.1119102
479Jul 9, 2014Into the WoodsPhotos taken in the woods and/or forest.47102624
478Jul 2, 2014You Can't Fight City Hall 2In honor of Independence Day in the US, photos of government buildings, including but not limited to City Hall, State Capitol, National Capitol, Department buildings, Fire Department, Sewer and Water, whatever... as long as it's owned by a government or has some government purpose.2139168
477Jun 25, 2014It's So Fluffy!Photos of all things fluffy.2852284
476Jun 18, 2014Crotch Fruit and SnowflakesPhotos of kids, yours or otherwise.3068368
475Jun 11, 2014Happy Farktography Anniversary 9It's Farktography's 9th anniversary! We're celebrating late this year, so post your highest vote getters or favorite photos since May 2013. Prior contest entries allowed but not required; prior entries, HDR, stacked, stitched & text-added photos eligible only if used in a contest since 5/08/13.2563457
474Jun 4, 2014PareidoliaShow us images of pareidolia, a kind of mental illusion where we perceive shapes in normal images that are not really there. (The classic example is seeing pictures in clouds or images of Jesus on the surfaces of fried foods.)1318101
473May 28, 2014Seedy ShotsPlants and Flowers.48112583
472May 21, 2014One is Still the Loneliest NumberKeywords: One and Lonely. Difficulty: No self portraits.3159310
471May 14, 2014Look to the Skies 2Pictures that exhibit the sky and anything found in it - clouds, sunsets, stars, birds, planes, etc. Pictures of birds, planes, and all other flying objects must be photographed in flight with at least 50% of the photograph displaying the sky.4398506
470May 7, 2014How We See OurselvesSelf portraiture.2647188
469Apr 30, 2014Farktography Recipe Book 2This is a foodie contest, if you will. Show us something you've cooked or prepared. Provide the recipe with your photo.112191
468Apr 23, 2014The Great OutdoorsTake a photo that shows what "The Great Outdoors" means to you. Lumbering mountain majesties, sweeping expanses of open field, dark and foreboding forests... It's all good.3892660
467Apr 16, 2014MuybridgeMultiple shots of an action a la Eadward Muybridge Image may be a string of multiple shots like Muybridge, or multiple exposures in a single image. If multiple shots, do try to keep it reasonable (3-6, maybe?). Any subject allowed (if using nudes a la Muybridge, keep it clickable behind a placeholder image).81084
466Apr 9, 2014Tableau 2Pay homage to an iconic image, venue, historic incident, etc., in any way you see fitting. Note: Post-process effects to replicate the original's art medium/format are acceptable in this theme, elsewise, standard farktography rules apply.7748
465Apr 2, 2014These Foolish Games 2From Candyland to Risk, Twister to Pictionary, Go Fish to Pinochle, show us how you entertain family and friends. Difficulty: No spectator-sports or playtime activities that don't have rules and objectives.1225133
464Mar 26, 2014Middle of the Night 2Photograph what night time means to you; i.e., how you know it's nighttime, what happens at night, etc. Difficulty: No astrophotography (planets, nebulae, stacked exposures, etc), though star trails in a larger context of a terrestrial nighttime image are fair game.2956311
463Mar 19, 2014Urban Art 2Graffiti, murals, carvings, randomly welded sculptures, etc.2560289
462Mar 12, 2014Dirty Dirty Pictures 2Dirty stuff. But nothing sexual.2546244
461Mar 5, 2014Catching FireMethods humans have divined to carry fire by hand: Candles, torches, lanterns, lighters, etc. Difficulty: Must be actual combustion - flashlights with "burning" filaments don't count (and other off-the-wall exceptions). Un-difficulty: Subject need not be lit, just be capable of it.162396
460Feb 26, 2014Animal KingdomThe entire animal kingdom is fair game EXCEPT for homo sapiens.52123780
459Feb 19, 2014The Camera Made Me Do It 2We all take photos of stuff that is just... odd. Stuff that "normal people" don't notice and certainly wouldn't photograph. We take these pics because photography is on the front-burner. And some of them just might work. This should be the place to show the stuff you shoot that no one sees otherwise.4196694
458Feb 12, 2014More Silent DecayThings that have lost the grandeur of their past (doesn't have to be abandoned).3376230
457Feb 5, 2014Blur 2Use blur for a purpose. Examples of blur include: motion, long exposure, panning, intentional out-of-focus, shallow depth-of-field, etc.3680429
456Jan 29, 2014Old Man Winter 2It's cold outside, baby! Show us your cold weather shots!4090585
455Jan 22, 2014Impact StatementPhotos that show the aftermath of something that has happened recently. Examples: A debris-strewn field after a rally/concert, a burned out husk of a building. "Something that has happened recently" must be obvious. Beach? No. Burned logs, empty beer cans and footprints on a beach. Yes.1736199
454Jan 15, 2014Nighty NightPhotos taken at night. Images of the sky, star trails, and/or aurora are allowed (though not required!), but image stacking remains out-of-bounds.3370558
453Jan 8, 2014Musical InstrumentsPhotograph all manner of musical instruments.3161314
452Jan 1, 2014Booze 2Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker! Photograph all manner of alcoholic beverages.2741189
451Dec 25, 2013Seasons Greetings 7Images that would make great Holiday cards. Please note: For this week's theme, you may add text to your images if you wish, though it is not required. All other Farktography rules apply, however.2141237
450Dec 18, 2013Hit Me With Your Best ShotShow us the best of your photography. Any subject, any style. No difficulties or other limitations beyond the standard rules.4388786
449Dec 11, 2013SoundscapesPhotos that evoke a specific sound or noise. Difficulty: Sound-making object must be in the process of making the sound. Example: Trumpet by itself - no; trumpet being played - yes.3161257
448Dec 4, 2013Bridges III: Bridge Over Troubled WatersPhotos of bridges, from old wooden covered bridges to modern concrete & steel structures.4082501
447Nov 27, 2013If I Had a Hammer: Tools TwoPower tools, machine tools, hand tools, yard tools, tech tools and so on. If you use it to make or fix something then it's good.1636205
446Nov 20, 2013High Dynamic Range Photography 4Create an HDR image of any subject. For an explanation of HDR technique, tips and tricks, visit the Technical forum.2454378
445Nov 13, 20132 WheelsAnything designed with 2 wheels. Rip sticks, Razor scooters, penny farthings, bicycles, motorcycles...2958272
444Nov 6, 2013Flower Power 3 (Farktography Classic)Show us your flower pictures!46115755
443Oct 30, 2013Hallowe'en 5It's that time of year again: Give us your best Hallowe'en photos.2042243
442Oct 23, 2013Weather 2: Weather or NotPhotograph terrestrial based weather phenomena: sunshine, clouds, rain, snow, fog, wind, lightning, tornadoes, hurricanes, sleet, hail, ice, mudslides, flooding and rainbows. For photos in which the main subject isn't the weather itself but rather evidence of weather, the subject should be directly affected or interacting with the weather. Difficulty: Each entry must have a different kind of weather.3881589
441Oct 16, 2013Train of ThoughtPhotographs of trains, trams, trolleys or other rail-bound/rail-requiring vehicles. Models and/or toys are fair game.3366405
440Oct 9, 2013No Disassemble!Take something apart and make a photograph of the pieces. Wide open subjects, as found or DIY, destructive or surgical techniques, parts is parts.1623153
439Oct 2, 2013Bugs 2: The Return of THEMInsects, arachnids and other arthropods. No slugs, snails, snakes or politicians.3486694
438Sep 25, 2013I'm Burnin', I'm Burnin', I'm Burnin' for YouThings that are hot or on fire. Difficulty: No people.2547347
437Sep 18, 2013Joe CoolTake a photo with dominant cool hues (blues, teals, purples, etc.).3480549
436Sep 11, 2013A River Runs Through ItFlowing water... any shape, size, or direction.3790657
435Sep 4, 2013Up Close 2: MacrophotographySmall things in great detail.451031005
434Aug 28, 2013Upon Golden LightPhotos taken during the "Golden Hour" (the hour after sunrise or the hour before sunset). Difficulty: No sunsets or sunrises.3374593
433Aug 21, 2013Move It or Lose ItPhotographs that convey a sense of motion or action.3784616
432Aug 14, 2013Fruits And Vegetables 2Fruits and vegetables. No meat need apply.3165303
431Aug 7, 2013Religion & Spirituality 3Anything relating to people's belief system(s).3582480
430Jul 31, 2013Drop in the BucketPhotographs in which there are distinct drops of water. Need not be the sole subject but must be a significant aspect of the composition. Long exposure waterfalls need not apply (the kind where the water looks all dreamy).3784761
429Jul 24, 2013Ugly BuildingsThere's at least one in every city. Those architectural monstrosities, monuments to bad taste, you've seen them: the Parthenon-themed house, the pyramid-shaped restaurant, the horrible government buildings. Find them and photograph them.2655375
428Jul 17, 2013Signs 2: Everywhere a SignSigns of all sorts. Must be a tangible sign not something such as "signs of aging or signs of spring".601481053
427Jul 10, 2013Waterscapes 2 (Farktography Classic)Pictures of the sea, lakes, rivers and ponds; and for the really desperate, swimming pools are permissable.54132923
426Jul 3, 2013Military GradeAnything military from Greek phalanxes to this year's Memorial Day parade. "Anything" means just that - wide open: weapons to uniforms, people to places etc. The voters are the final arbiters.3067314
425Jun 26, 2013Happiness Is"Happiness is anyone and anything at all that's loved by you." ~ You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown. Show us what brings you happiness.4185555
424Jun 19, 2013PsychedelicsPhotos that are trippy, hypnotizing and zany! Post-processing affects that warp or alter an image's overall content or color are allowed for this contest only. (Oversaturate good; HDR bad; kaleidoscope effect good; adding or removing Elvis bad.)3061423
423Jun 12, 2013Square^2 (Farktography Classic)Give us your images in a 1:1 ratio. No difficulties, looking for wide-open themege.3077548
422Jun 5, 2013Breaking News: Take it, Make it or Fake it!Show us shots that would be at home on the front page. Flames, fights, riots, babies, politicians and protests; if you don't have something, do what Fox does: Fake it!2552276
421May 29, 2013My Neck of the WoodsShow us pictures of your favorite forested area.50118753
420May 22, 2013Monochromatic MasterpiecesTake a photo where the entirety of the image is variations of the same color. Difficulty: No black and white.3481597
419May 15, 2013Farkstronomy 2Stars, planets, other celestial bodies, spacecraft, or observational equipment. Difficulty: No streetlights. Note: Stacking and other astrophotography techniques are allowed for astrophotos; HDR and other software enhancements are not - all other normal Farktography rules apply.2351457
418May 8, 2013Happy Farktography Anniversary 8It's Farktography's 8th anniversary! Post your highest vote getters or favorite photos since May 2012. Prior contest entries allowed but not required; prior entries, HDR, stacked, stitched & text-added photos eligible only if used in a contest since 5/09/12.3084762
417May 1, 2013Back Alleys and LanewaysWander through the back alleys and laneways and take photographs. Difficulty: Try not to get mugged.2451329
416Apr 24, 2013I Went to___ and All I Got Was This Lousy___Tangible souvenirs - things brought back from vacations or out of town visits. They do not have to be purchased (sea shells from the beach, for example), but they do have to be things (sun burns and social diseases do not count).1834223
415Apr 17, 2013Textures 2 (Farktography Classic)Show us texture.3593659
414Apr 10, 2013Enter (or Exit) HereSigns and other objects that show us where to go.2144170
413Apr 3, 2013Ghost TownsPictures of abandoned towns or sections of towns that appear abandoned.2044299
412Mar 27, 2013The Onion on Your BeltShow us your anachronisms, your outdated tech, your antiques, your junk people see and know you're old.3567364
411Mar 20, 2013Silhouettes 2: Inanimate SilhouettesBacklit photos, photographs where the border, outer edges or overall shape of the subject(s) are highlighted. Difficulty: No people/animals. Shadows or reflections can't be the primary focus of your photos.3471471
410Mar 13, 2013 It's Bad For YaThings that are hazardous to your health, from cigarettes to snot-faced 4-year-olds; from bungee-jumping to hockey; from rattlesnakes to mosquitoes; from guns to knives to nun-chucks. Basically, if it can hurt, sicken or kill you (or someone else) even when used properly, it's in. Latitude is wide open, but, as always, the voters are going to have the final say.3474386
409Mar 6, 2013Software Hootenanny 3 (Farktography Classic)Any and all treatments not normally allowed software-wise are allowed/encouraged for this contest: artsy filters, exposure stacking/HDR, tilt-shift fakes, stitching, etc. NOTE: Combining multiple shots or elements thereof in any fashion you desire is fair game, but every pixel in your final image must have started its life as a pixel in a photo that you personally took. All photos used in any way for this contest cannot be used in future contests.3994751
408Feb 27, 2013LakesLakes, ponds, puddles and your bathtub only. No rivers, streams, waterfalls or oceans need apply (unless connected to a lake).48117998
407Feb 20, 2013Office SpacePhotographs of office sorts of spaces or things. Red staplers do apply.2148331
406Feb 13, 2013PetsFrom our typical 4-legged friends to more exotic birds, arachnids and reptiles, show us pictures of your pets. Subject must be someone's pet; no wild/zoo photos allowed.701601557
405Feb 6, 2013Neon 2: Electric Boogaloo (Farktography Classic)Neon lights - not just neon colors.2560432
404Jan 30, 2013404: Contest Not FoundTake a photo of where something used to be.4187574
403Jan 23, 2013SepiaShow us photos tinted in sepia.3897837
402Jan 16, 2013Auto EroticaShow us some car porn. Flame jobs, airbrushed lowriders, commercial vehicles with company logos, custom vinyl graphics (i.e. stickers). Lead sleds, chopped tops, and other sculptureal creations. Basically, anything not stock in terms of visuals. Difficulty: Vehicle must appear to be operable (museums, good; junk yard, bad).3272450
401Jan 9, 2013PinkPhotos emphasizing the color pink.2766599
400Jan 2, 2013Lights, Camera, CaptionGive us a photo, and add a caption. Inspirational, de-motivational, meme-in-the-making, whatever suits your fancy. Aside from the caption, normal Farktography rules apply.1842335
399Dec 26, 2012Red Light, Green LightShow us photos where the subject or scene is illuminated by colored light. Examples of light sources include fireworks, colored lightbulbs and shades, gelled or filtered studio lights and flashes, neon and outdoor signs, etc.2653351
398Dec 19, 2012Seasons Greetings 6Images that would make great Holiday cards. Please note: For this week's theme, you may add text to your images if you wish, though it is not required. All other Farktography rules apply, however.2556414
397Dec 12, 2012Here At the End of All ThingsSome people believe that the Mayan calendar indicates the world will end December 21, 2012. Just in case they're right, show us photographs indicating destruction, loss of hope, human frailty, fear, or peoples' response to the prediction of the end of time.3166502
396Dec 5, 2012StatuaryFrom public art to museum quality pieces, show us statues of every kind!45110794
395Nov 28, 2012Vertical LandscapesTake a photo of any natural or urban landscape in portrait (vertical) orientation.47110915
394Nov 21, 2012History Happened HereShots of historical sites, markers, re-enactors or artifacts.4394531
393Nov 14, 2012A Stitch In Time 2Multiple photographs, stitched into one. All other Farktography rules apply.2763402
392Nov 7, 2012Close Encounters of the Third KindCreate photos of the paranormal or extraterrestrial; e.g., UFOs, Sasquatch, alien autopsies and so on. Inspired by the cheesy photographs manufactured by people from the 1950-1970 era, in all their grainy goodness. Standard farktography rules apply.1832281
391Oct 31, 2012Hallowe'en 4 (Farktography Classic)It's that time of year again: Give us your best Hallowe'en photos.3576475
390Oct 24, 2012Time on My HandsLong exposure photography. Difficulty: Hand-held shots only: no tripods, monopods or solid surfaces. Minimum 5 sec exposures.2967474
389Oct 17, 2012Two-Tone Two StepTake a photo where the subject and background are different dominant colors. Ex: white on black, blue on green, orange on fuschia, etc.3992762
388Oct 10, 2012Thick As A BrickBricks. From Legos to the blocks that make up the Pyramids, any "recta-cubular" man-made/carved building material. Bricks do not have to be part of a structure.3486865
387Oct 3, 2012StripesStripes. Difficulty: No road marking stripes.481151134
386Sep 26, 2012Faux PanoramicsTake a picture, mirror it horizontally or vertically, and stitch it to the original shot to create a panoramic effect. No other difficulty. Aside from the effect stitching, all other normal Farktography rules apply.3176999
385Sep 19, 2012Something Old, Something NewAny two similar subjects, one noticeably older than the other, shot together; e.g., a 200-year-old building next to brand new skyscraper.2459412
384Sep 12, 2012She Blinded Me With Science!Show us images that convey a sense of science in action.3179706
383Sep 5, 2012Skylines 2: I Know She's Out There Somewhere!About this time of evening, out by the bay, they turn the roadlights on the bridge, A diesel rolls in silhouette, eastbound, Lovers glad the sun has set. I'm staring into the twilight wishing someone could post some city and country skylines tonight! Difficulty: Panoramics & stitched entries are ok. Photos must contain man made buildings to qualify. All other Farktography rules apply.491071002
382Aug 29, 2012Gone, Daddy, GoneTake a photo with vanishing point perspective.4093834
381Aug 22, 2012One of These Things Just Doesn't Belong HereShow us something that's out of place or doesn't fit with its surroundings, from the subtle to the blatantly obvious.3466435
380Aug 15, 2012Reflections 4: On Reflection…Photograph something. Difficulty: Make a reflection part of the image.47107891
379Aug 8, 2012Chains, Wires, Cables & RopesEssentially, lengths of stuff that connects, tethers or ties down other stuff.43108638
378Aug 1, 2012Old, New, Borrowed & BlueThe traditional rhyme: 1. Something old; 2. Something new; 3. Something borrowed; 4. Something blue. Pick one and shoot it. Difficulty: Each of the four subjects can only be used once. No wedding photos. For this contest you may submit 4 entries.2889584
377Jul 25, 2012This Old CarPictures of and relating to automobiles over 20 years old (pre-1992).47113868
376Jul 18, 2012Freeze FrameFreeze a moment in time within an image by using high shutter speeds to capture an object or objects in motion.521211227
375Jul 11, 2012Carnival of the AnimalsPhotograph representations of animals. Difficulty: No actual animals may be in your picture, including things that used to be animals (hamburgers, bearskin rugs, etc).531341054
374Jul 4, 2012Tiny... Tracts of LandTake a small-scale landscape where detail and intimacy are key. No wide-angle stunners. The primary subject is suggested to be within arms reach, but not required. Difficulty: No people.531161004
373Jun 27, 2012Birds 2: Boid WatchingPhotograph any type of birds in flight, in nature, in a zoo, in an aviary, or even on your dinner table.711801957
372Jun 20, 2012ParksShow us pictures from parks: National parks, state parks, city parks, ballparks, water parks, art parks, public parks, botanical parks, etc. Difficulty: No parking lots.591441364
371Jun 13, 2012Photo MosaicsUse 4 - 20 images to create a photo mosaic. Photo subjects must be similar in nature (e.g., 8 different pictures of buoys). All photos must be your own. Normal Farktography rules apply to each individual photo but you may use tools to combine your photos that would normally not be allowed. Note: Any photos used in creating the images for this theme are not allowed for individual use in future contests unless the contest specifically allows repeats.3367876
370Jun 6, 2012VehiclesVehicles including cars, boats, bikes, rockets, skateboards, etc.721751402
369May 30, 2012Rust Never SleepsPhotograph something rusty. Difficulty: No persons named Rusty.511241289
368May 23, 2012Sleeve-facedPhotos using album covers from records, CDs, tapes, 8-track, or 78's to create an illusion.1425385
367May 16, 2012Scavenger Hunt 2Take a picture of any of the things on this list: 1) Something Recursive; 2) Something Obsolete; 3) Shoes; 4) Fun Places to Scratch; 5) People of Walmart/Late Night Waffle House, Outside of Walmart or Waffle House); 6) Fish Out of Water; 7)Things You'd Expect to Find in Floriduh; 8) Paranoia; 9) My Long Lost Shaker of Salt; 10) Light and Shadows3895725
366May 9, 2012Happy Farktography Anniversary 7It's Farktography's 7th anniversary! Post your highest vote getters or favorite photos since May 2011. Prior contest entries allowed but not required; prior entries, HDR, stacked, stitched & text-added photos eligible only if used in a contest since 5/09/11.441181315
365May 2, 2012Wow! Nice Wood!Any and everything about wood.651531633
364Apr 25, 2012Off KilterShow us your slant on photography. Tilt that horizon! Tweak that Vertical! Dutch up your angles!491151005
363Apr 18, 2012Sun In FramePhotos that include the fully or partially visible sun. Difficulty: Reflections and sunbeams are not enough. While the sun can be partially obscured (as by clouds or trees or a subjects head) it has to be visible.601501398
362Apr 11, 2012WatercraftShow us anything that travels in water - as long as it's inanimate.661401285
361Apr 4, 2012Pinholes, Lomos & Holgas, Oh My!Take a photo with (but not limited to) a pinhole, slit or zone plate camera, holga, diana, lomography, or other plastic/toy camera, an antique camera, or any device that equips the lens from one of these to your digital. Examples include: Holga, Diana, Blackbird Fly, Kodak Brownie, Hawkeye, anything homemade, pinholes, cheap-ass plastic-lens keychain digicams, or even disposable cameras.2875608
360Mar 28, 2012Farktography Recipe BookPhotograph food which you've made at home. The three photos may be either photos of different recipes, or of the same one in different stages of preparation. Include the recipe in the description.3071467
359Mar 21, 2012Curves 2: RecurvesPictures of things that show curves.521311562
358Mar 14, 2012LegosCreate a scene with Legos (or similar interlocking off-brand building toys) and photograph it.2654562
357Mar 7, 2012Instant InspirationOpen a book at random, pick the first word or phrase you see, and photograph it. Repeat x2.1744302
356Feb 29, 2012Parking LotsHow good of a photographer are you? Can you make something plain look good? Prove it with your best shots of parking lots.491201231
355Feb 22, 2012Noir: Embrace Your Dark SidePhoto's evocative of the darker elements of human nature, crime, rage, jealousy, fear, cynicism, anything from the scary part of your psyche. Embrace the Dark Side and together we shall rule the galaxy...errr...Fark.3686774
354Feb 15, 2012Places of WorshipBuildings where people go to worship, pray, confess, meditate, marry, bury, see visions or whatever else. Examples include: Churches, mosques, shrines, ashrams, sweat lodges. Difficulty: It's gotta be man-made and have a semblance of walls and roof.531311338
353Feb 8, 2012Apples vs. Oranges 2: The RematchA new generation of apples and oranges are resurrecting ancient grudges. Show us the battles.2766871
352Feb 1, 2012Go Out and Get Some StrangeIntimate street photography of strangers. Get close to, or get to know your subjects. Location doesn't matter as long as it's a public location or event and the subject is a stranger. Difficulty: Each entry must be a different subject.481041447
351Jan 25, 2012StonedPhotos where rocky things are prominent; anything from sand and/or rocks to boulders and/or mountains.661641611
350Jan 18, 2012Straight Out Of CameraAny subject but no post-processing allowed, not even cropping. (Resizing a file to fit Fark's data requirements is fine.)721822024
349Jan 11, 2012BaconBacon burgers, bacon dogs, bacon wrapped bacon fried in bacon grease, raw bacon, burnt bacon, bacon that is still alive! Everybody loves bacon, why not dedicate a theme to it? Bonus internets for actual Kevin Bacon photos! Double bonus internets if you get a photo of Kevin Bacon eating bacon! Difficulty: No police, unless they're photographed with bacon products or Kevin Bacon.2756574
348Jan 4, 2012DesolationLandscapes that imply remoteness, such as deserts, swamps, bare trees, winter scenery.661531923
347Dec 28, 2011B-Sides & Unreleased Tracks (Farktography Classic)Show us the shots you almost used for a previous theme. Include the theme name in your post.3088951
346Dec 21, 2011Seasons Greetings 5 (Farktography Classic)Images that would make great Holiday cards. Please note: For this week's theme, you may add text to your images if you wish, though it is not required. All other Farktography rules apply, however.3577655
345Dec 14, 2011Mandatory ProcrastinationPhotos of any subject, but must be taken no earlier than 8:00 pm Farkistan Time, Tuesday, Dec 13, 2011.33831252
344Dec 7, 2011Let's Go Shopping!Pictures of storefronts. New, old, abandoned, anything goes (as long as it is/was a retail business). Interiors are fine, too.471141503
343Nov 30, 2011Dungeons & DragonsShow us photographs of anything related to dungeons, dragons, or Dungeons & Dragons. Examples include: dice, renaissance fairs, models, swords and bows, mythical creatures, crystal balls, etc.40941511
342Nov 23, 2011Triptych PortraitsTake three different photos of different parts of the same subject and combine them in a vertical or horizontal triptych for a single fark-sized entry. As usual, you can submit three entries. Difficulty: The subject must be alive.30731234
341Nov 16, 2011You Can't Fight City HallPhotos of government buildings, including but not limited to City Hall, State Capitol, National Capitol, Department buildings, Fire Department, Sewer and Water, whatever... as long as it's owned by a government or has some government purpose.501171403
340Nov 9, 2011Purely FilmPhotos shot on film, no digital nonsense. Anything as long as it is shot on film.461141635
339Nov 2, 2011State FairA picture taken at the State Fair (county fairs, etc. count too). The picture should clearly show that it was taken at the fair and not a tractor dealership, farm or petting zoo. Difficulty: no country music acts/shows.421041118
338Oct 26, 2011Graves 3: Return of the Land of the DeadGraves, gravestones, headstones, mausoleums, crypts and other places and evidence of final rest.761862796
337Oct 19, 2011That's No Moon…Round or spherical things. But not the moon.631582242
336Oct 12, 2011InfrastructureShow us the necessary backbones of life, from support columns and transit systems to power relays and the Post Office.661581850
335Oct 5, 2011Where The Wild Things ArePhotos of wild animals. Difficulty: No farm or domestic animals (dogs, cats, cows, horses, etc.), no pets, and no invertebrates.741852841
334Sep 28, 2011Show of Emotion 2Happy, sad, bored, angry, etc. Show some emotion.641491654
333Sep 21, 2011AirborneFlying, gliding, falling, or throwing - show something airborne. Difficulty: No holding things up with string (holding them down is fine).731722161
332Sep 14, 2011Summer DazeShow us your summer pictures.681742184
331Sep 7, 2011Black And White 3 (Farktography Classic)Any subject as long as it is presented in black and white. Color originals converted to b&w are also acceptable.741792193
330Aug 31, 2011PathwaysHiking trails, roads, train tracks, sidewalks - anything people use to move from one place to another. Difficulty: Path has to be empty (i.e. no trains on the tracks, no cars on the road, no people on the sidewalk).781822454
329Aug 24, 2011Barren MacroPictures of things up close. Difficulty: Evident life forms prohibited. No plants, no animals, no Venus flytraps.531321577
328Aug 17, 2011Mmm Bokeh 2: Electric BokehlooBokeh refers to the blurry out of focus elements in an image. Show us images that use bokeh creatively.771801919
327Aug 10, 2011A Portal ThroughEntryways and exits, windows, tunnels, caves, or wormholes, show us a portal from one place to another.651611961
326Aug 3, 2011Sports PhotographyProfessional, amateur or recreational, show us people involved in sports!611541392
325Jul 27, 2011Fifteen MinutesTravel via any means available (walking, driving, swimming, boating, flying, cruise missile, interplanetary ion thruster, etc.) fifteen minutes away from where you live. Take pictures of whatever is there.421161254
324Jul 20, 2011Stairway To HeavenPhotograph stairs or steps. Note: Stairs must be at human scale and intended for human use.601441688
323Jul 13, 2011A Shore ThingPictures from the beach or at least the water's edge.761881821
322Jul 6, 2011Abandon All Hope 2: Life After PeoplePhotos of places and things abandoned by humanity. If humanity abandoned it, it fits. Find it. Photograph it.671531959
321Jun 29, 2011umop 3p!sdnTake a photo with your camera inverted or invert the image in post processing but not both.521291628
320Jun 22, 2011Volcanoes, Waterfalls, and MountainsTitle says it all. Stitched panoramas are allowed for this theme.711712195
319Jun 15, 2011In Deep ShadowPhotographs with strong contrast between light and dark, may be of any subject.591431454
318Jun 8, 2011Scanner As CameraUse a scanner to present your image. Difficulty: Subject must be a 3-D object. No use of printed photos or positive/negative film.36951282
317Jun 1, 2011Urban ArtGraffiti, murals, carvings, randomly welded sculptures, etc.731752044
316May 25, 2011Puddytats 2: I Did! I Did See a Puddytat!Teh kittehs: Show us them. No titles, descriptions, or captions in this thread, because the entries from this week's theme will be available for captionshopping on Caturday.1132774183
315May 18, 2011Classical ElementsPhotograph the classical elements: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. Difficulty: Each entry should primarily represent a single element and each must be a different element. Note: You may post up to 4 vote enabled photos for this contest, but you are not required to do so.531691940
314May 11, 2011Happy Farktography Anniversary 6It's Farktography's 6th anniversary! Post your highest vote getters or favorite photos since May 2010. Prior contest entries allowed but not required; prior entries, HDR, stacked, stitched & text-added photos eligible only if used in a contest since 5/13/10.571572402
313May 4, 2011CloudscapesPut simply, pictures of clouds. While terrestrial objects (the ground, trees, other miscellany) are allowed, the majority of the image should be occupied by clouds.821972668
312Apr 27, 2011Some Hate Broccoli...Show us portraits of your family members. Inspired by Ogden Nash's poem "Waiting for the Birdie": "Some hate broccoli, some hate bacon, I hate having my picture taken. How can your family claim to love you and then demand a picture of you?"611451814
311Apr 20, 2011Can I Get A Show Of Hands?Photograph human hands. Real, or otherwise.511271378
310Apr 13, 2011Alphabet PhotographyTake photos of everyday or naturally occurring items that look like letters of the alphabet. One letter per photo, and no arranging rocks, twigs, etc to make letters. Latin alphabet preferred, but any modern alphabet will do (with an explanation included). Hieroglyphs, pictograms, and punctuation don't count for letters. Difficulty: The subject should be something that is not intended to be a letter.441121142
309Apr 6, 2011Artsy-FartsyImpressionism, abstraction, bokeh, etc... Take an artsy-fartsy picture.731842135
308Mar 30, 2011Glass 2: Shattered & StainedGlass in all its forms.471231450
307Mar 23, 2011Me Love You Long Time!Exposures greater than 2 sec. No other difficulty.421061364
306Mar 16, 2011BlackPhotos with a predominantly black color, or something black. Difficulty: No entirely black compositions. Not meant to be a black and white contest.691691994
305Mar 9, 2011StarsReal stars, fake stars, flags or people. Show us some stars.591291566
304Mar 2, 2011I'm Beginning To See A Pattern Here...Patterns or motifs, geometric or natural; show us pictures that rely heavily upon repeating elements as a main focal point.661642381
303Feb 23, 2011Old Man WinterIt's cold outside, baby! Show us your cold weather shots!661742397
302Feb 16, 2011Software Hootennany 2 (Farktography Classic)Any and all treatments not normally allowed software-wise are allowed/encouraged for this contest: artsy filters, exposure stacking/HDR, tilt-shift fakes, stitching, etc. NOTE: No pasting or moving subjects not in the original photo(s) like in a PS contest.521221635
301Feb 9, 2011It's On The Travel BrochurePeople, places or things that could be on a travel brochure for any particular regional area. Theme is GLOBAL in scope, for friendly farktographers from frontiers further afar.822103301
300Feb 2, 2011Vote WhoringThrow down your best attempts to vote-whore - Cute kids, farkisms, scantily-clad women, etc.681623017
299Jan 26, 2011WeatherPhotograph terrestrial based weather phenomena: sunshine, clouds, rain, snow, fog, wind, lightning, tornadoes, hurricanes, sleet, hail, ice, mudslides, flooding and rainbows. For photos in which the main subject isn't the weather itself but rather evidence of weather, the subject should be directly affected or interacting with the weather. Difficulty: Each entry must have a different kind of weather.791943141
298Jan 19, 2011Color Popping NaturallyTake a photo that appears to be black and white/grayscale with the exception of one object or color. Difficulty: No selective desaturation or other post-processing tricks to create the effect.581452000
297Jan 12, 2011Five Is Right OutAnd the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take off the Holy Lens Cap. Then shalt thou Shoot three subjects, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt shoot, and the number of the subjects shall be three. Four shalt thou not shoot, neither shoot thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then trippest thou thy Holy Shutter release towards thy subjects, who, being focused in your sight, shall be recorded."661522748
296Jan 5, 2011Sparks, Arcs, And Other Flashy ThingsThings that flare or flash; sparklers, flints, to be sure, but also diamonds, camera flashes, strobes, sunlight glinted off water, etc.571311576
295Dec 29, 2010What Dreams May This Way ComePhotograph dream like photos or something that you dream about. Image may be as realistic or fanciful as you like as long as it meets all other farktography guidelines.491241420
294Dec 22, 2010Seasons Greetings 4 (Farktography Classic)Images that would make great holiday cards. Please note: For this week's theme, you may add text to your images if you wish, though it is not required. All other Farktography rules apply, however.671471725
293Dec 15, 2010BlurUse blur for a purpose. Examples of blur include: motion, long exposure, panning, intentional out-of-focus, shallow depth-of-field, etc.872042277
292Dec 8, 2010Optimus PrimeGo shooting with a single prime lens (or set your zoom to a single focal length and don't change it).481221293
291Dec 1, 2010The Song Remains The SameTake a picture that depicts your favorite song, or album cover.451071584
290Nov 24, 2010Autumn II (Farktography Classic)Foliage, giant pumpkins, bonfires, etc., take a photo that shows us what Autumn means to you.651671845
289Nov 17, 2010Artistic BentLet your inner artiste out to play. Show us your three most artistic photos. Difficulty: Photos from previous contests will be allowed only if they were outside of the top ten finishes for that contest. More Difficulty: No HDR.681862260
288Nov 10, 2010A Day In The Life Of...Go somewhere, do something, take pictures. Post your best three. Note: All pictures must be taken on the same outing or day.631711886
287Nov 3, 2010DefunctThings that are archaic, no longer exist or have been replaced by "newer and better."631592009
286Oct 27, 2010He's A Fun GuyFungus, lichens, molds, and mosses.601481702
285Oct 20, 2010Travel PhotographyShow us where you've been.1092753047
284Oct 13, 2010FishShow us fish in ponds, aquariums, out of water, etc.731641747
283Oct 6, 2010Labor DayPhotograph some people while they're hard at work.551381482
282Sep 29, 2010Just DessertsExactly what it says, just pictures of desserts!521291530
281Sep 22, 2010Green 2 (Farktography Classic)Photos with a dominant green theme.902163067
280Sep 15, 2010FortktographyPictures of things forking. If it splits, it fits.461041260
279Sep 8, 2010The Camera Made Me Do ItWe all take photos of stuff that is just... odd. Stuff that "normal people" don't notice and certainly wouldn't photograph. We take these pics because photography is on the front-burner. And some of them just might work. This should be the place to show the stuff you shoot that no one sees otherwise.922222240
278Sep 1, 2010WaterscapesLandscapes where water is a prominent feature. Frozen bodies of water are ok, but snow, fog, ice, and rain on their own are not on-theme.1042492552
277Aug 25, 2010The Book of ArmamentsWeapons, military personnel and equipment. Holy Hand Grenades optional.741531563
276Aug 18, 2010Have A SeatPhotograph chairs, stools, sofas, benches, etc...601331585
275Aug 11, 2010Farkitol 100mgShow us how you like to relieve stress.711511542
274Aug 4, 2010Trees 2 (Farktography Classic)Images that reflect what "tree" means to you. Is it something religious? Non-natural? Beautiful? Dead? An entire forest or a single, isolated tree, standing alone? Difficulty: No title or description; the images should stand for themselves.972232615
273Jul 28, 2010Dirty PicturesDirty stuff. But nothing sexual.481161221
272Jul 21, 2010These Foolish GamesFrom Candyland to Risk, Twister to Pictionary, Go Fish to Pinochle, show us how you entertain family and friends. No spectator-sports or playtime activities that don't have rules and objectives.4194836
271Jul 14, 2010Black, White & Grey All OverColor pictures that could be mistaken for black and white. Difficulty: No desaturation allowed in post-processing.651421380
270Jul 7, 2010Passenger's SidePost pictures taken from the passenger's side of a car or public conveyance. Difficulty: Vehicle must be in motion.821691625
269Jun 30, 2010Rain, Rain, Go AwayPhotographs shot in/of the rain.551311248
268Jun 23, 2010All Night LongNighttime photography.691521501
267Jun 16, 2010MonumentalPhotograph statues, monuments, and other memorials. Note: Subjects should be man-made.872091609
266Jun 9, 2010By The NumbersTake a photo with a prominently displayed number.601361159
265Jun 2, 2010Macro BugsMacro shots of insects, arachnids, worms and other crawly things.781781953
264May 26, 2010Kid at HeartTake a picture of something you still have and use, or something you still do that some people would say you should have outgrown by now because it's a kid thing, and you're supposed to be grown up.3881739
263May 19, 2010SkylinesSmall or large, cities or otherwise. Panoramics & stitched entries are ok. Photos must contain man made buildings to qualify.961981702
262May 12, 2010Happy Farktography Anniversary 5It's Farktography's 5th Anniversary! In honor of 5 years of Farktography, post your highest vote getters or your favorite photos you've taken since May 12, 2005--anytime during Farktography's history. Prior contest entries (including those submitted to prior Anniversary threads) allowed though not required. HDR, stacked, stitched & text-added photos eligible only if used in a contest since 5/12/05.701841976
261May 5, 2010SquaresAny subject, as long as the photo itself is in square format.511291489
260Apr 28, 2010PlantsPhotograph plants, things that grow and don't have a brain.932161905
259Apr 21, 2010Potent PotablesPhotos of bars, beer, alcohol, spirits, liquor cabinets, winos, drunks, etc.53107672
258Apr 14, 2010One Is The Loneliest NumberKeywords: one and lonely. Difficulty: No self portraits.721481362
257Apr 7, 2010HDR3 (Farktography Classic)Show us your High Dynamic Range images, photos that combine two or more exposures or a single exposure processed in a way that maximizes both shadow and highlight detail.461071263
256Mar 31, 2010Pure Bad AssTake pics of something you think is really and truly bad ass, and (briefly) explain why.681391435
255Mar 24, 2010Pan FriedShoot something using the technique of "panning" (moving the camera to follow a moving subject).50105716
254Mar 17, 2010FarkitectureBuildings, bridges and other man-made structures.852002173
253Mar 10, 2010I'm A Geek, And I'm Proud Of ItEveryone's a geek in their own right. Take photographs that display the awesome power of your geekiness.731491290
252Mar 3, 2010Something's MisingPhotograph a scene where something should obviously be there, but it just isn't.45100772
251Feb 24, 2010On The StreetsCandid photos (i.e. not posed) of people outdoors in public or on public transportation going about their daily routine. Difficulty: Nobody you know can be in the picture, including celebrities and famous people.781811784
250Feb 17, 2010Reflections 2 (Farktography Classic)Show us reflections. In water, windows, mirrors, whatever.721661742
249Feb 10, 2010Let There Be LightPhotograph light sources: Flames, stars, all types of man-made lighting, etc. Difficulty: Light source must be actively lighting the photo and must be included in the image (not a reflection, etc).851982098
248Feb 3, 2010Abstract ThoughtsPhotography in the abstract style. Difficulty: No stained glass (aka Mondrian). Note (from Wikipedia): "Abstract art uses a visual language of form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world."781831909
247Jan 27, 2010I Like It AnywaysPhotos that probably will not get many votes, but that you like anyways. Difficulty: No pets or family.932022467
246Jan 20, 2010Sunrise... Sunset...Photos of sunrises and sunsets.1192603691
245Jan 13, 2010Silent DecayThings that have lost the grandeur of their past (doesn't have to be abandoned).841801556
244Jan 6, 2010AnimalsThe entire kingdom.1152623000
243Dec 30, 2009ClusterFarkPhotos with so much going on it makes your head spin. The polar opposite of minimalism.53117996
242Dec 23, 2009Seasons Greetings 3 (Farktography Classic)Images that would make great Holiday cards. Please note: For this week's theme, you may add text to your images if you wish, though it is not required. All other Farktography rules apply, however.67122885
241Dec 16, 2009WhitePhotos with a dominant white theme. Difficulty: No black & white/grayscale.771712030
240Dec 9, 2009Low KeyTake a photo where the subject is illuminated from a single point of light. Note: Low key photos show high contrast, and many/most of the tones will be in the shadow range. A bright photo taken with the sun as your only source of light does not qualify.501041000
239Dec 2, 2009Win, Fail, or "I Like Where This Thread is Going"Take your best shot at starting a new meme. You must caption your picture only with "Win", "Fail", or "I like where this thread is going." You may caption within your post or with text added to your picture. Also, be advised that photos in this thread are probably more likely to be grabbed for intarweb usage.45971450
238Nov 25, 2009Hello Old Friend. It's Nice to Meet You.Everyday we pass sights that catch our eye but don't register in our brains. Stop and take a picture of something that you pass by regularly. Something very familiar to you, but you have never really paid much attention to or have always wanted to photography but haven't. Difficulty: Subject cannot be a person.49112963
237Nov 18, 2009Filtered For Your ProtectionUse some sort of filter to distort or alter your image. Explain your method of filtering in your post. Note: Must use physical filters, lenses, common household materials, etc. No in-camera digital filters or post-processing filters in Photoshop, GIMP, etc.34791056
236Nov 11, 2009DestroyedTake a picture of something destroyed. A building after a fire, a partially collapsed abandoned house, a guitar after your last gig, etc.741591675
235Nov 4, 2009Roy G BivRainbows, opalescence, and other visual effects of diffraction.591161470
234Oct 28, 2009Heebie JeebiesPictures that give you chills or just really creep you out.651291107
233Oct 21, 2009MusicPerformers, instruments, playback devices, written compositions... Photograph music.931991606
232Oct 14, 2009Software HootennanyAny and all treatments not normally allowed software-wise are allowed/encouraged for this contest: artsy filters, exposure stacking/HDR, tilt-shift, stitching, etc. Note: No pasting or moving subjects not in the original photo(s) like a PS contest.611441640
231Oct 7, 2009Black and White 2 (Farktography Classic)Shot in black and white or converted after the fact, show us your favourite people, places and things, in grayscale. Photos should be true grayscale/black and white with no obvious color toning (e.g. no sepia).1152683031
230Sep 30, 2009Show Your ColorsShow us your best flag shots. Does not have to be a national flag.671491515
229Sep 23, 2009A Day Late And A Dollar ShortThe step-sister to the B-sides theme: These are pictures that you took after the theme they are perfect for. D'oh! Difficulty: No photos from Inept Farktographer, HDR, Stitching, Colour Popping, Take 3, or other specialty themes that fall outside normal rules. Please mention which contest each photography would have been used for.39102793
228Sep 16, 2009Look Out BelowPictures taken from an elevated location, looking down on the subject.861881754
227Sep 9, 2009Less is More 2 (Farktography Classic)Minimalism to the max: Show us your best minimalist photos.902062327
226Sep 2, 2009Colour PoppingTake the colour out of an image then return the colour back to selected parts.791772236
225Aug 26, 2009Training DocumentsPhotograph a SFW literal interpretation of a sexual euphemism. Difficulty: You must title your entries with the euphemism/phrase they depict.2561940
224Aug 19, 2009Living HistoryPhotograph something over 100 years old.771631368
223Aug 12, 2009Do It YourselfUse a series of three photos to teach us a skill. A spinoff of the Take Three theme, where the photographer demonstrates how to do something in three steps. Explanations welcome. Post all three of the same series in the same post. Limit 2 series of 3 photos.2943523
222Aug 5, 2009Running From CameraSet your self-timer for 2 seconds, run from the camera, and submit the results.2252715
221Jul 29, 2009Man's Best FriendShow us pictures of dogs and other canines.1182522571
220Jul 22, 2009Industrial ArtsFind beauty in industry. Difficulty: No abandoned buildings.711571533
219Jul 15, 2009Vice Vice BabyPhotograph your personal vices. Cigarettes, caffine, cell phones, bad 80's fake-rap, etc.50106828
218Jul 8, 2009Shiny, Shiny MetalShow us images of reflective metal surfaces/objects. Difficulty: No patina, dirt, rust/oxidation or other coatings that obscure the reflective qualities of the metal.541151104
217Jul 1, 2009In Memoriam: Thar Be DragonsWe pay memorial tribute this week to Pangolyn, whose geeky obsession was dragons - the bigger and meaner, the better. Photograph dragons of any and all sorts.4492979
216Jun 24, 2009Homeless Images, Free To A Good PS'erA theme free-for-all! Post 3 photos you really like that you haven't been able to use in other themes. Usual rules apply. Note: Entries posted here will be considered fair game for PS'ers to use for a crossover PS theme. Please link to larger images for PS'ing.621571449
215Jun 17, 2009Give 'em An InchPhotograph instruments of measurement.44101729
214Jun 10, 2009Tilt-Shift Faked Miniature ScenesBy using either a tilt-shift lens, a DIY option such as a toilet-plunger tilt-shift, or one of many software solutions, create your own photo that looks like a miniature set, but isn't.671492590
213Jun 3, 2009Keep Out!Stone walls, fences, borders, gates, doors, moats. Show what keeps us apart.811681800
212May 27, 2009BirdsThat's it. No description or difficulty.1092562955
211May 20, 2009The Shadow KnowsPhotographs where a shadow is the main subject. Note: Silhouettes do not count as shadows.541161250
210May 13, 2009Happy Farktography Anniversary IVIt's Farktography's 4th Anniversary! Post your highest vote getters or favorite photos from the past year. Repeats from prior contests allowed but not required; HDR, stacked, stitched & text-added photos eligible only if used in a contest in the past year.721752346
209May 6, 2009In CloseMacrophotography. Difficulty: Nothing over 2" in size can be the subject.872062196
208Apr 29, 2009FarkstronomyThe sun/moon/stars/planets/other celestial objects or observatory equipment. Stacked exposures allowed, but not HDR. Difficulty: No sunrises, sunsets, cloudy sun/moon shots, or the like.40741021
207Apr 22, 2009Frankly My Deer, I Don't Give A DamPhotograph deer and/or dams.631451520
206Apr 15, 2009Graves II: The Dead ZonePhotograph cemeteries, graves, etc.731751774
205Apr 8, 2009Ugly... But Has A Great PersonalityShow us interesting photos of something that many would consider ugly. Difficulty: While the incidental human is OK, people cannot be the subject of the photo.761591818
204Apr 1, 2009A Second LookPick ONE of your past entries that didn't do as well as you thought it should, and reenter it in this contest. You MUST identify the original contest in your post. Difficulty: One entry, one entry only, please.6161651
203Mar 25, 2009Tiptoe Through The TulipsFlowers of all kinds, they don't have to be tulips.962231848
202Mar 18, 2009TableauIconic images exist in every culture. Take a photograph evoking one of them.28641017
201Mar 11, 2009Bang!Show us your pictures of noisy things. Difficulty: Keep it safe for work.621231073
200Mar 4, 2009Lights, Camera, Action... FreezePictures where the subject is airborne or otherwise not at rest. Difficulty: No blurry subjects (panning with moving subject is ok, though).1012202424
199Feb 25, 2009LunacyShow us photos in which the main subject is the moon in all its many guises. Difficulty: No butt cheeks.631281524
198Feb 18, 2009First Person ShooterPictures that look like they could come from a first person game. Subject must be using something in the image. Only parts of your body that can be seen without a mirror are allowed in the shot.32741013
197Feb 11, 2009Religion and Spirituality IIPhotograph temples, churches, mosques, icons, statues, etc. Difficulty: No sports teams.962091812
196Feb 4, 2009That's ColdPictures so cold the viewer wants to get a cup of hot cocoa and sit by a fire.962142266
195Jan 28, 2009RocksBig ones, little ones, mountains, cliffs, pebbles, minerals. Difficulty: Not used in any kind of construction or (human) sculpture.861851542
194Jan 21, 2009Take ThreeTake 3 different photos of the same scene or object (e.g. the same scene at 3 different times, the same object from 3 different perspectives, etc.). All 3 photos must be posted in the same post so they can be voted on as a group. Only one entry of 3 photos.6969983
193Jan 14, 2009BrownPhotos with a dominant brown theme. All the usual Fark posting rules apply.801721467
192Jan 7, 2009Money ShotsPhotograph currency and/or coinage - yours or someone else's (if you can get your hands on it). Difficulty: You have to give borrowed money back.521111269
191Dec 31, 2008B-Sides and Unreleased TracksShow us the shots you almost used for a previous theme. Include the theme name in your post.3790612
190Dec 24, 2008Season's Greetings Cards IIImages that would make great Holiday cards. Please note: For this week's theme, you may add text to your images if you wish, though it is not required. All other Farktography rules apply, however.4383653
189Dec 17, 2008Still LifeEverywhere you go there is still life. In your home, the park, school, restaurants, anywhere! Take a picture of anything as long as it is inanimate and doesn't violate the rules of the contest or the site.951971421
188Dec 10, 2008The Eyes Have ItPhotograph eyes. Be as straightforward or creative as you'd like.1081971845
187Dec 3, 2008Pinhole CameraTake some shots with a pinhole camera, lens, or lens cap.1942333
186Nov 26, 2008At The End Of The DayShow us a photo that shows, in some form or other, the end of the day. Difficulty: No sunsets.781561205
185Nov 19, 2008The Inept FarktographerShow us your screwups! The photo with the pole growing out of the subject's head, the wrong film settings, your finger in front of the lens. Difficulty: No photos of lens caps.911811571
184Nov 12, 2008Float Like a ButterflyPhotos of Lepidoptera, yes moths count too.721501577
183Nov 5, 2008On The FarmFarm scenes, farm life, family farms, industrial farms, cubicle farms. Difficulty: No terminal illnesses please.982192012
182Oct 29, 2008I, For One, WelcomePhotograph our new reptilian overlords. Snakes, Lizards, etc. Difficulty: No people allowed.521181419
181Oct 22, 2008Middle Of The NightInside, outside, sedate, rowdy, dark, bright, whatever - you figure it out. Stay up late and take some photos that capture the essence of the middle of the night.891921677
180Oct 15, 2008See You At The FairPhotos from state fairs, county fairs and carnivals.581301119
179Oct 8, 2008CollectionsShow off collections of things. Most people have some sort of collection or know people who do... stamps, pressed flowers, beer cans, screws that you don't know what they go to and they might still be useful, etc.651461052
178Oct 1, 2008NeonPhotograph neon lights, signs, etc. Any low pressure, gas discharge lighting counts, but incandescent does not. Difficulty: No Casinos681551141
177Sep 24, 2008In And OutShow us inside and outside, or in here and out there, in one photo. HDR allowed but not required.731451307
176Sep 17, 2008Lions, Tigers, And BearsShow us your pictures of lions, tigers, or bears.741551405
175Sep 10, 2008OrangePhotos with a dominant orange theme. Difficulty: No citrus.1102452411
174Sep 3, 2008Terminal MadnessShots of Terminals. Airports, train stations, ports, pc terminals, etc. The term is open to interpretations. Difficulty: No terminal illnesses please.651371288
173Aug 27, 2008PanoramicsPanoramic photos using stitching software, panoramic cameras, or cropping to give the effect.921921867
172Aug 20, 2008SilhouettesBacklit photos, photographs where the border, outer edges or overall shape of the subject(s) are highlighted. Difficulty: Shadows or reflections can't be the primary focus of your photos.1132472255
171Aug 13, 2008TrickyTrick photography: Post photos that appear to be 'shopped, but aren't.811491390
170Aug 6, 2008Go With The FlowShow us flow - liquid, traffic, airflow, any kind of 'fluid motion' from one place to another.1142442383
169Jul 30, 2008I Tawt I Taw A PuddytatLet loose the kittehs! We know each and every one of you has kitty-pix. One kitteh per photo, please.2154145520
168Jul 23, 2008Blue II (Farktography Classic)Show us photos with a dominant blue theme. Difficulty: No sky.1052323282
167Jul 16, 2008Wind Beneath My WingsAll things airborne. Difficulty: Subjects must have wings.801751992
166Jul 9, 2008Word PlayPhotograph an interpretation of your favorite word or phrase in the English language. Difficulty: You may not include the word or phrase anywhere in your post.3168698
165Jul 2, 2008Mmmm BokehShow us shallow depth of field.1252872629
164Jun 25, 2008Dinner Is ServedAny course of a meal, presented and served. Difficulty: Must be on a plate/in a dish. No comedy shots.801371230
163Jun 18, 2008Museum Of Found ObjectsEvery day we find stuff - lost gloves, that single shoe, a shiny bolt, an umbrella, etc. Set them up in a museum-like way, and let's see the flotsam of society in all its glory. Difficulty: No people.3780751
162Jun 11, 2008Trails - I Can See Where You've BeenImages that show evidence of something moving from one point to another.891851569
161Jun 4, 2008TreesImages that reflect what "tree" means to you. Is it something religious? Non-natural? Beautiful? Dead? An entire forest or a single, isolated tree, standing alone? Difficulty: No title or description; the images should stand for themselves.1693484090
160May 28, 2008A Moment Of ReflectionSubject can only appear in the reflection, whether it be in glass, water, mirrors or the cat's eyeballs. Difficulty: No people.651351549
159May 21, 2008Dark And ForbiddingShow us your dark side: Creepy houses, dark alleys, spooky places, etc. Bright sunny fields of flowers, puppies, and kittens need not apply.841611836
158May 14, 2008Happy Farktography Anniversary IIIIt's Farktography's 3rd Anniversary! Post your highest vote getters or favorite photos from the past year. Repeats from the past year's contests are allowed but not required; HDR and text-added photos are eligible only if used in a past contest.711801990
157May 7, 2008Abandoned ThingsItems that have been left to be reclaimed by nature. Difficulty: No buildings or vehicles.871751746
156Apr 30, 2008PurpleShow us photos with a dominant purple theme.861861966
155Apr 23, 2008Tangled UpShow us photos of one or more things that are comingled, tangled, melded, etc60125912
154Apr 16, 2008GlassAnything glass. From skyscrapers to something from the kitchen sink.851851423
153Apr 9, 2008Feel The HeatHazes, flames, furnaces and things that get, or are, anything from hot to downright scorching. Difficulty: No people.721371165
152Apr 2, 2008A Second Of Your TimeShow us your pictures with shutter times of a second or longer.961922089
151Mar 26, 2008From A DistanceImages that give a sense of distance from your subject(s). Difficiulty: Subjects must be earthbound. No sunsets/sunrises, stars, etc.1262602417
150Mar 19, 2008Nature PhotographyAll things natural. No cultivated flowers, no domestic animals, no people.1333123559
149Mar 12, 2008TrucksPickups, semis, monster trucks, with a hemi or without: photograph trucks. Difficulty: No SUV's.831681156
148Mar 5, 2008Pictures At An ExhibitionShow us your photographs that you would be proud to hang in a gallery. Here's your chance to use those artsy-fartsy photos we know you all take. Difficulty: All the usual Farktography rules still apply.1112582456
147Feb 27, 2008YellowPhotos with a dominant yellow theme. SFW difficulty should be obvious.1042242148
146Feb 20, 2008WindmillsOld ones, new ones, big ones, little ones, metal ones, wood ones: Photograph windmills.4987928
145Feb 13, 2008I See Your PointPointy things. Let me show you them. Difficulty: SFW.861741566
144Feb 6, 2008Hot vs. ColdHot vs. Cold: A Thermodynamic Meltdown!3987873
143Jan 30, 2008One For The RoadRoads, highways, streets, alleys, etc. Note: The only acceptable instances of people in your photos would be if they're small/incidental/unidentifiable. The focus here should be on the roads.1262552379
142Jan 23, 2008Teh Funnay 2 (Farktography Classic)Photos that make you laugh. Difficulty: No titles or descriptions. If you have to explain the joke, it's just not funny.971651755
141Jan 16, 2008Heavy MetalPhotograph things made of metal. While out and out size isn't necessarily a requirement, your photos should illustrate "heavy" in some way (a small anvil would be acceptable, for example). Difficulty: No bands or music-related subjects.881691158
140Jan 9, 2008Utility PolesMake the banal portrait-worthy, revealing limitless variation and a stark reminder of life on the grid. Difficulty: No streetlights, pylons, or towers.661211317
139Jan 2, 2008What A Load Of CropShoot a photo of a scene, crop it to produce a very different scene, and post your crop along with a link to the original. Note: You MUST include a link to the uncropped version with each entry, or your entry will not qualify for this theme.4479504
138Dec 26, 2007Simply BeautifulNothing complex here. Capture the beauty in something plain. Difficulty: People and/or animals cannot be your main subject(s).1282512289
137Dec 19, 2007Season's Greetings CardsImages that would make great Holiday cards. Please note: For this week's theme, you may add text to your images if you wish, though it is not required. All other Farktography rules apply, however.5999847
136Dec 12, 2007HDR 2 (Farktography Classic)Let's have some fun with High Dynamic Range photography. Please keep your entries closer to the side of Farktography rather than complete Photoshopping when possible.471031083
135Dec 5, 2007Four SeasonsShare your photos that capture the essence of Spring, Summer, Autumn, or Winter. Difficulty: No spices, hotels, restaurants, bands, etc.942112133
134Nov 28, 2007Let's VentSmokestacks, chimneys, exhausts, etc. Note: People and/or their emotions should not be the primary focus of your photos.651331029
133Nov 21, 2007CurvesCapture a curve or curves. Difficulty: Must be safe for work.962222145
132Nov 14, 2007On The WagonWe've photographed booze. Now photograph your favorite non-alcoholic beverages.3570741
131Nov 7, 2007It's About TimePhotograph timepieces large and small.69130852
130Oct 31, 2007Halloween 3 (Farktography Classic)It's that time of year again: Give us your best Halloween photos.4484645
129Oct 24, 2007Powers Of TwoSince 1024 is 2^10, or 2 times itself 10 times, show something that has power in sets of two.74139861
128Oct 17, 2007Wallpaper ThisShoot a photograph specifically to be used as computer wallpaper.1293023665
127Oct 10, 2007Bridges II (Farktography Classic)Photograph bridges: Anything from old wooden covered bridges to concrete & steel structures.1042091611
126Oct 3, 2007Tourist In Your Own TownPhotograph the cool things in your town that tourists should go to see, and for some odd reason residents pass by or ignore.941901087
125Sep 26, 2007Everything's A Dollar/Pound/EuroGo to the dollar (or similar discount) store and buy a subject for this contest. Photograph it. Have fun!43841206
124Sep 19, 2007Painting With LightPhotograph something, anything, but use additional light, past an on-camera flash. Bounce light, flashlight, lantern, or strobe. Be creative! Difficulty: Subjects cannot be self-lit. (i.e. holding lights and running around, etc)851661677
123Sep 12, 2007HandsPhotos should have hands as their primary subject matter. Note: Paws are not hands.831471351
122Sep 5, 2007Invitation To The DanceShow us dancers, dancing, or images that suggest dancing.5399920
121Aug 29, 2007GardensPhotograph gardens. Note: A single flower or vegetable does not count as a garden.731591391
120Aug 22, 2007BoatsPhotograph boats: Barges, ocean liners, tugboats, and other watercraft capable of carrying people. Difficulty: No bath or pool toys.1342572225
119Aug 15, 2007StreetlightsTall or short, industrial or retro, burned out or lit up - photograph streetlights. Difficulty: No UFO's.841721454
118Aug 8, 2007Abandon All HopePhotograph abandoned places. Difficulty: No people.1382663002
117Aug 1, 2007Tools Of The TradeEvery job has a set of tools that go with it. Photograph them. Doesn't have to be your job.821451022
116Jul 25, 2007RedPhotos should have a dominant red theme. Difficulty: No blood.1252552202
115Jul 18, 2007Body Mod PhotographyPictures themed on tattoos, piercings, & other body modifications. Difficulty: Not just a simple close-up of the work. The picture is what counts. Difficulty part deux: No injury/surgery scars.4882523
114Jul 11, 2007KeysKeys are everywhere in our lives - photograph them! Difficulty: No encryption/decryption keys.53103760
113Jul 4, 2007BugsInsects, arachnids, centipedes, millipedes... Anything that is generally classified as a 'bug'. Difficulty: No code/software.1192332513
112Jun 27, 2007Self-Portraits (Farktography Classic)Images of yourself. Difficulty: You MUST be the photographer.1512661809
111Jun 20, 2007Apples vs. Oranges - The Final ShowdownApples and oranges settle the score once and for all!2249662
110Jun 13, 2007GeometryPictures should have an obvious geometric component to them: circles, squares, triangles, octagons, diamonds, etc. Difficulty: must be an inanimate object.911911424
109Jun 6, 2007Nothing To See HereTake the mundane and make it artistic.921931747
108May 30, 2007SolitudePhotographs that conjure up feelings of solitude.1212251681
107May 23, 2007Up & DownStairs and escalators (elevators and ramps secondary). Difficulty: People/pets/other items may not be the main subject of your photo.64122902
106May 16, 2007HopeHope. This space intentionally left blank. (The suggester wanted to leave the interpretation of this theme wide open.)73120962
105May 9, 2007Happy Anniversary IIIt's the Farktography Two Year Anniversary! Post your top 3 favorite submissions or your highest vote getters from the past year. Repeats from previous contests are allowed.671701311
104May 2, 2007SportsPhotos involving sports in some way, shape or form. Note: If you can watch it on ESPN, it's fair game.78151875
103Apr 25, 2007In A MoodPhotographs should capture the essence of a moody place or person. Difficulty: No animals, no self-portraits in mirrors.84156881
102Apr 18, 2007BoozeCandy is dandy but liquor is quicker. Photograph booze and its effects in all its glory.91168950
101Apr 11, 2007101It's Farktography's 101st contest. Photograph a literal interpretation of 101 or, alternatively, the fundamentals of what Farktography means to you.4076465
100Apr 4, 2007StitchingNot sewing, stitches or sutures. Multiple shots stitched together to make one photo. Difficulty: As always, please try to adhere to the Farktography rules as closely as is possible in the process.71138920
99Mar 28, 2007HobbiesBesides photography, how else do you spend your free time? Keep it SFW please! Difficulty: No Fark or other websites.1122201711
98Mar 21, 20077 Deadly SinsLust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride... Catch one on camera! SFW of course.56104651
97Mar 14, 2007Behind The ScenesPhotograph places most people don't get to see. The kitchen of a restaurant, stockroom of a retail store, or perhaps a server farm. Find where the magic really happens and shoot away.64122857
96Mar 7, 2007Everyday HeroesPhotograph those unsung heroes who give without asking for anything in return.681061054
95Feb 28, 2007Eat Me IIPhotograph food in all its glory!811751519
94Feb 21, 2007ComfortThis theme is all about comfort. Your favorite blanket, a cup of cocoa, or perhaps whatever calms your soul after a long day.981721611
93Feb 14, 2007V-DayIt may be cliche, but Valentine's Day does fall on a Wednesday this year. Take your best shot farkers and farkettes.3559606
92Feb 7, 2007Aerial PhotographyPhotograph something in flight. Alternatively, photograph something while you're flying.821791181
91Jan 31, 2007Difficult SubjectsThe cute kid that won't stay still long enough for you to focus, or the building with all those farking ____s in the way, or that really cold/remote/hot location that made concentrating impossible. You went through heck to get that shot and now is its time to shine.1182202451
90Jan 24, 2007Shades Of GrayBetween black and white there are many shades of gray - photograph them. Bonus points if you photograph monkeybort in action (no stalking :P ).1062071679
89Jan 17, 2007WTF?WTF? What in the world did you photograph there? Make it as simple or as abstract as you'd like (any subject).1122212133
88Jan 10, 2007Holga/LomoRiffing off of Elsinore's square crop theme and adding an extra layer of Holga/Lomo goodness. You don't have to own a Holga or Lomo to participate as there are plugins for both Photoshop and the GIMP , and lots of tutorials out there which explain the process. Entries should be ideally based off the 6x6 medium format platform, and should be sized by divisions of 6 accordingly (540x540, 480x480, 420x420, etc).59109641
87Jan 3, 2007Happy New YearLet's bring in '07 with a bang... or a flash if you prefer. Show what the New Year celebration looks like from your perspective.3774538
86Dec 27, 2006Home For The HolidaysShow your holiday spirit or just say bah humbug if you like. The holidays come but once a year so let's photograph 'em!70115836
85Dec 20, 2006Barbie (and Ken)Before you wrap them up as Christmas gifts, join us in an homage to CaptainJim's original presentation from this thread. Difficulty: No Skipper.1834896
84Dec 13, 2006H2OAnything having to do with water - frozen, waterfalls, tap water, etc.1032352236
83Dec 6, 2006Gas Stations And PumpsDifficulty: Don't get arrested or beat up by the station owner.4878724
82Nov 29, 2006No Place Like HomePhotos of any house, or a group of houses, or apartments, or condos, or whatever; it doesn't have to be your own home.72141762
81Nov 22, 2006Band LiteralTake the name of a band and capture the literal meaning of the band name in a photograph; e.g. White Stripes, Rolling Stones, Blue Oyster Cult.4389571
80Nov 15, 2006Flower Power IITime for another Farktography Classic theme: Flower Power. Photograph flowers in all their glory!821801214
79Nov 8, 2006AutumnThe leaves are changing color and the air is getting crisper. Photograph Autumn.871771346
78Nov 1, 2006Halloween Part DeuxIt's that time of year again!58101844
77Oct 25, 2006ForksYou eat with them. They appear in the road. There's even a town named after them. Photograph forks!4083912
76Oct 18, 2006HDRLet's have some fun with HDR.3574840
75Oct 11, 2006PowerThis theme emphasizes power! Cars, electricity, your boss, or whatever conveys the idea of POWER EXTREME!!!71137957
74Oct 4, 2006StyleTake a picture with a pronounced photographic style. It could be your own style, or an imitation of a more famous photographer's, or even just any old strong theme, in any event, it should scream _____.791571069
73Sep 27, 2006Cute KidsYours, theirs, or others - photograph cute kids. Must be SFW (bathtub shots are a fine line).1262271889
72Sep 20, 2006Photograph Your Favorite PlacesWhatever your favorite places are.1632901622
71Sep 13, 2006DaybreakEarly moring shots.1031801650
70Sep 6, 2006Religion & SpiritualityPhotograph churches, synagogues, mosques and any other places of worship or items and symbols that are important to any religion or your own personal spirituality.1142131540
69Aug 30, 2006PortraitureAccording to Wikipedia, portraiture is a way of recording people. Their personality, character, status, the place and time they lived, the environment in which they live or simply showing beauty. Difficulty: No self portraits this time around1212332002
68Aug 23, 2006On All Fours (Farktography Classic)As an homage to our Farktography roots, let's have another look at some of those wonderful early contests. (From the original contest) That's right, we're looking for pictures of our lovable four legged and furry friends. No, we're not talking about your SO. (Well, maybe with some of you we are.) It doesn't matter if it is a domestic animal or wild animal. Furless animals and kangaroos are acceptable as well. Have fun, and don't get bit.1262731826
67Aug 16, 2006Our Bodies OurselvesEverybody has it so lets shoot it. These would be SFW pictures of our skin. Be it an arm, toe, fold of fat or whatever. Even your hair, eyes, lips, and nails. Just make sure it belongs to you and shoot it. No faces please.711151270
66Aug 9, 2006Photographing PhotographersAdmit it, you've taken pics of people taking pics at some point. Difficulty: No self portraits.86136834
65Aug 2, 2006GraffitiGraffiti is everywhere - photograph it.951781361
64Jul 26, 2006CityscapesLife in the city.1312652453
63Jul 19, 2006Band PhotographyLive music photos.1262231331
62Jul 12, 2006ShadowsThe interplay of light and dark.1332372145
61Jul 5, 2006BackyardPhotos taken from your backyard, or, in case you don't have a backyard, in sight of where you live.821661266
60Jun 28, 2006The DoorsPictures of doorways, entrances, etc.74148809
59Jun 21, 2006One Person's TrashJunk. Refuse. Abandoned items.86166935
58Jun 14, 2006Flags, Flags, Everywhere A FlagPhotos of flags. Fom country, state, college, or anything represented by a flag.81141804
57Jun 7, 2006The Path Less TakenPictures of roads, railroads, sidewalks, footpaths, etc.1102201298
56May 31, 2006The Written WordWords are everywhere, photograph them.72152678
55May 24, 2006Staplers And StaplesAn ode to staplers, staples, and stapler porn.2964730
54May 17, 2006Fruits And VegetablesPictures of fruits and veggies - set up, still on the tree, still on the ground, in a store, in your fridge, etc.4181622
53May 10, 2006Happy Farktography Anniversary!It's the Farktography One Year Anniversary! Post your top 3 photos. Repeats from previous contests are allowed and encouraged.741911663
52May 3, 2006Focus People, FocusEntries to this theme should in sharp focus. Beyond that, anything goes. The first, second, and third place winners of this contest will be presented to the link-submission thingy for a Photoshop contest on May 12.1041851178
51Apr 26, 2006GravesGraveyards, mausoleums, headstones, tombs. If it's in the graveyard it's fair game, but please be respectful of the deceased.79146781
50Apr 19, 2006You Like Whaaat?Pictures showcasing something a lot of people wouldn't enjoy, but someone does. Don't pretend you don't have anything, you're on Fark.85160805
49Apr 12, 2006Spring Is In The AirPictures of spring time.981761457
48Apr 5, 2006Less Is MoreLess is more (minimalist photography).861771480
47Mar 29, 2006GreenThings that are green.85172950
46Mar 22, 2006Old And YoungOld and young.5384663
45Mar 15, 2006LightScenes where the lighting is distinctive, and adds the essential quality to the photograph.1152252046
44Mar 8, 2006Different PerspectiveA different perspective.861691379
43Mar 1, 2006MagicThis could be as poetic or literal as you want it to be and would focus on the seemingly nonrational beauty and nonlinearity of the world around us, or something like that.49101821
42Feb 22, 2006WaterWater water everywhere! Endless possibilities.1172332110
41Feb 15, 2006What's On My HorizonLocation, location, location. What do you see every day going to work, or whatever you do? Submissions should include city shot was in.831561070
40Feb 8, 2006Modern Day Still LifeA collection of modern day items assembled to resemble the standard still life.61109826
39Feb 1, 2006Up Close And PersonalMacro Phototography: Small things in great detail.1052071334
38Jan 25, 2006The Geek-O-Sphere"Geekosphere" is a term used to describe the area in the immediate vicinity around your computer. Most people personalize this zone with various cultural objects that have significant meaning to them.5999486
37Jan 18, 2006Snow And IcePictures of snow and/or ice.1252401973
36Jan 11, 2006Black And White PhotographyYour favorite people, places and things, in grayscale.1503202970
35Jan 4, 2006Happy New Year!!What you liked best about last year, what you look forward to in the coming year. New Year's resolutions? New Year's celebrations, etc.4899484
34Dec 28, 2005SignsSigns, signs, everywhere a sign.1212411614
33Dec 21, 2005Around The HouseObjects you find in the house, brushes, silverware, plants, etc.86149995
32Dec 14, 2005Claim To FameEvery town has a claim-to-fame. What "claims-to-fame" are around you? Difficulty: Must satisfy a quantifier like biggest, smallest, oldest, greatest, most expensive, only, unique, etc.5690723
31Dec 7, 2005FountainsSo many kinds of fountains! Even a simple drinking fountain can rival the most ornate park fountain with the right eye. Even when they are turned off, as many are this time of year, they can mean anything to the subjective artist. As an added bonus, when no one is looking you can steal pennies!86123684
30Nov 30, 2005Self PortraitsSelf portrait, this dosn't have to be of one's face or body but the picture should represent what you are.1502381864
29Nov 23, 2005BridgesBridges are the labor of those who seek to ease the path before us: Anything from old wooden covered bridges, to great big concrete & steel structures.1151941204
28Nov 16, 2005TimePictures that show the the passage of time. e.g. abandoned buildings, ruins of previous cultures, etc.68144652
27Nov 9, 2005FireFire or fiery objects (sun does not count).851401098
26Nov 2, 2005BlueIt's all about blue this week. Photos with the single dominant colour blue.1141962053
25Oct 26, 2005HalloweenAny images that evoke the feel of Halloween; creepy photos, scary shadows, graveyards, etc. as well as the usual pics of costumed kids and ghoulish decorations and even candy.701311082
24Oct 19, 2005ReflectionsReflections. In water, windows, mirrors, whatever.1052041738
23Oct 12, 2005A Scavenger HuntA leaf (leaves), a stuffed animal(s), a book(s). One photo of each item, posted separately. Winner will be the one with the most votes for all votes of each photo/submission combined.43116967
22Oct 5, 2005Architecture IIFrom barns to high rises, and everything in between. These should be buildings in which people work or live.961951047
21Sep 28, 2005Knock On WoodThings made of wood. From ash to zebra and everything in between. Objects must be mad-made, no pictures of trees.801491055
20Sep 21, 2005LandscapesArtistic interpretations of the land, its features, beauty, and its definition.1593162422
19Sep 14, 2005Takin' Care Of BusinessPhotos of people at work. A man with his briefcase, a geek coding, a coach coaching, the kids raking the leaves, the policeman who pulled you over for your 3rd DUI, a woman doing house chores like a good woman should (I keed, I keed).76126716
18Sep 7, 2005A Special OccasionPhotos taken during a special event which can be from a wedding, birthday party, holiday party, sporting event, concert, etc. Photos should show signs that a special event is taking place.6399421
17Aug 31, 2005Teh FunnayPhotos that are hilarious, comical, silly, amusing, etc.1011832021
16Aug 24, 2005Focus On AbstractionBring on your "what the fark is that" non-representational images!911691000
15Aug 17, 2005Night Time PhotographyPhotographs made outdoors at night - between dusk and dawn.1873483117
14Aug 10, 2005It's A TechnicalityThings technical in nature, a circuit board, complex wiring harness, a panel of knobs, etc. The photo should "speak" technology.82131812
13Aug 3, 2005TexturesPictures that exhibit things that are rough, smooth, furry, rippled, ridged, grainy, bumpy, prickly, etc.861721316
12Jul 27, 2005Creepty CrawliesThe wonderful world of insects. Bugs, Bees, Butterflies, etc. Spiders included.981741555
11Jul 20, 2005Show Of EmotionLaughter, sadness, anger, fear, surprised, and any other expression. Your subject can be young or old, a friend or family, a single person or group, or someone you don't even know.1312202051
10Jul 13, 2005FurniturePictures of furniture. From classic to contemporary, and bedroom to kitchen. Chairs, love seats, tables, desks, beds, dressers, lamps and on and on.751171022
9Jul 6, 2005Planes, Trains, And AutomobilesPictures of motorized transporation. This DOES include photos of motorcycles, boats, or even semi-trucks. Mopeds I guess would be acceptable as well. I'm gonna have to say NO to motorized scooters, skateboards or the like. As well, no construction type vehicles. Let's keep the theme based on those vehicles that are used as a major form of transporation.1382391849
8Jun 29, 2005Man's ErectionsPictures of man's architecture. Acceptable submissions include houses, barns, factories, stores, high rises, etc. They should be buildings in which people either work or live in, so no monuments, statues, bridges, or the like. Submissions do not have to contain the entire building in the image, but any portions of the building should be a decent representation of the building. These should be exterior shots and not interior shots.1112061395
7Jun 22, 2005Flower PowerPictures of flowers. Duh.1362402572
6Jun 15, 2005Nuts & BoltsPictures of motors, engines, machinery, gears, gizmos and gadgets. All types of mechanical goodness welcome. Oh, pictures of nuts and bolts too! (No squirrel nuts or man giblets.)761251080
5Jun 8, 2005Look To The SkiesPictures that exhibit the sky and anything found in it - clouds, sunsets, stars, birds, planes, etc. Pictures of birds, planes, and all other flying objects must be photographed in flight with at least 50% of the photograph displaying the sky.2253934957
4Jun 1, 2005Seen Better DaysPictures of things that show signs of wear and tear. Composition can be of something rusted, damaged, faded, torn, or whatever. It must show signs of aging. No people pictures.1232102783
3May 25, 2005Get Me WetPictures of liquids. Rain, oceans, lakes, rivers, oil, wine, champagne, etc. The focus should be placed on the liquid. If it flows, it goes.152699
2May 18, 2005Eat MePictures of food! Breads, meats, vegatables and fruits (not your relatives) are all on the menu. If you can eat it, it's game.182775
1May 11, 2005On All FoursThat's right, we're looking for pictures of our lovable four legged and furry friends. No, we're not talking about your SO. (Well, maybe with some of you we are.) It doesn't matter if it is a domestic animal or wild animal.172667

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